
Learning to barrel race???

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My aunt bought a horse for me and i want to learn to barrel race. I love riding. for some reason im kind of scared to ride him in a run. I dont want to get hurt or anything but i want to learn to barrel race. He is a good horse well trained. Is there anything i can read to help me get over the fear and learn what to do?




  1. i agree with bloodybluemoon but i would also like to add a few other things that will help you. as you begin to ride and work your horse on barrels make sure you can make your horse flex. your turns are the most important part, that will make or break your time. when the shoulder of your horse meets up with the barrel stop your horse and back a few steps then ask your horse to go ahead around the barrel. another way to make sure your horse is on the right lead do a small circle in the same direction you will be turning the first barrel before you head to the first barrel

  2. My friends come out to trail ride with me a lot. If they tell me they are scared to go fast then of course I make them do it (once I see they can handle it). I will put them on a slow/go with the flow horse and take off on my own, making the other horse follow. After their first gallop they are always dying for more. The best way to get over your fear is to tackle it head on. If you're in an arena then start loping and increase your speed a little at a time. Most importantly, don't let your horse know you're scarded because that will only make them nervous as well. Hope this helps!

  3. I know how you feel!!!

    It can be kind of scary to ride in a gallop!!!

    I rode barrel racing once, and trust me, it might be scary at first, but when you finally get the hang of galloping, and going around the barrels, it is SOOO fun!!! Trust me!!! You might be scared, but I know your gonna have fun!!!

  4. Yea ride with out stirrups and if you can sit in the trot walk canter then you can ride if not LEARN HOW TO RIDE FIRST"


  5. Hi i train horses for barrel racing, its really great that you want to run in this passion.

    First i suggest you start the pattern at a walk do it for a while then go and walk the arena or area so the horse doesnt get board.

    once you  and your horse are compfortable then pick the pace up you could either pick it up to a fast walk or a slow trot

    (If your horse messes off DONT blame the horse , blame yourself , you are the rider and are incharge.!)

    then go and walk the arena or area so the horse doesnt get board

    after you are past these two steps go back to a walk then ask for more when you are sure you are ready ask for a fast trot if you are wanting ask for a slow canter  but DONT go straight for the canter till your horse knows the pattern and is not scared of the barrels

    so as you work your horse and your self you can start adding speed to him working on turns in the pasture without a barrel will help . if you are scared or dont want to get hurt wear boots , long sleeves, jeans , a helment and if you want padds

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