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i've got a problem. instead of having a sweet 16 i'm allowed to lease a horse! but the cost for the entire lease period can't be more than $2,000. and since leases around here are usually over $300 per month, that would go over my budget.

would most owners let me lease for only 6 months? what is the cost of vet/farrier going to average out to?




  1. Well it depends on the owner. Most owners will work with you on how long you want the lease for. As for the vet and the farrier costs: you have to figure that the horse is going to need to be shoed every 6-8 weeks, and the last time I got my horse shoed it was $115, so you figure it's $115 every two months for shoeing. As far as vet bills go you always need to keep money saved in case of an emergency, but it there is no emergencies horses only need to be vaccinated twice a year which, depending on what vaccinations you give the horse is anywhere from $50-$100. But remember that the horse can get hurt or sick unexpectidly at any time and the vet bill for something like that can be outrageous so make sure your parents know what those costs may be if something were to happen. Good luck! And happy birthday!

  2. I live in the UK. Some riding schools around here allow you to lease horses out for a good price! Also if you can't afford to lease a horse, you could always try sharing- you get to ride and care for a horse for free !

    Good luck x

  3. i'd put an add out on or or both websites saying that you are a responsible 16 year old girl looking for a horse to ride. Saying yo can't afford a high lease, but want to work out a deal with the owner or something like that

    i've seen alot of adds like this! i've also seen 3 or 4 FREE leases! people don't want to sell there horse but are just to busy to ride!

    so look into that too!

    good luck!!

  4. To me, $300 seems a lot...unless its a really nice stable and includes everything!  Maybe if the owners didn't care too much about the money, and they see that you are responsible, they might let you do it for free or cheaper or in return for cleaning stalls.  And 6 months is a long time from now...things might change.  Your parents might let you keep on doing it.

    PS:  Good choice on a Sweet 16 gift, I wish I had that!

  5. A great deal of reputable horse owners will lease their horse on a month to month basis.  If you and the horse don't get along, then the horse goes back. If the owner doesn't like the treatment of the horse, they can take it back. Also, please be on the lookout for FREE leases.  With the economy being so terribly bad, some folks just want their horses to have a good home, get ridden, etc. because they can't afford to keep them, but don't want to sell.  Vet bills are unpredictable, because horses can get sick, and regular shots can be expensive.  Farrier bills can be high or low. Depends on what kind of shoeing the horse needs. If it goes barefoot, so much the better.
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