
Least Stressful Way?

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I am 17 and g*y, and it's gotten to the point where I hate having to hide who I really am, so I plan to come out soon. However, both my parents are religious homophobes, so it won't be easy for them OR me. How can I do it so it's less stressful on them? If your kid was to come out to you, what would be a way to make it easier on you?




  1. My nephew was 17 when he told his parents. It took him about a year to do it. The best way he found to do it was to sit down with them, tell them that you love them and then tell them that you respect them enough to tell them the truth, and then just tell them. My sister and her husband appreciated his grownup approach and although it was difficult for her to accept it, (she was a bit homophobic) they are best friends now.  

  2. Well I would not be phased if one of my kids were g*y, so it would not be stressful to me at all. I would just like my kids to know they can tell me anything and it will be ok - so as long as they were honest I would be fine. I think I would be more hurt that it took them so long to tell me, than anything else, but I would understand that it is a hard thing for them to do.

    If your parents are really homophobic and religious, then is it likely they would ask you to leave their house? If so, you need to make sure you are prepared for this and have a plan.

    Maybe they will surprise you. The love for your own child normally outweighs anything else.

  3. If they are religious homophobes, it's really going to be hard for it not to be an extremely stressful thing.

    The only thing you can do is sit them down and tell them you love them, don't want to hurt them and you're g*y.

    If you want some help and to hear some experiences, visit SpokenAgainst on myspace

    And you can join their group
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