
Leaving-How did ya get on?

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How many points did you get!? Thanks!




  1. 390

  2. 425 :) all that hard work finally paid off. Well done to everyone!.

  3. I did my leaving 3 years ago. i hadnt a clue what i wanted to do i got 325 i was delighted as i never went to school dossing all the time, some of my friends got 500s and up and knew what they wanted to do.

    i never went to collage 3 years on iam working in insurance with the oppertunity to work my way up and do exams to becomea financial advisor and some of those friends that did so well are back at square one not knowing what they want to do.

    well done to everyone who has done well and best of luck in the future but to those of u who are not happy- dont despair u can do what u want there are so many choices i am proof of that!!

  4. I did much better than I thought I would, so I'm very happy. I didn't do as well as I could have done if I had woorked for two years though :)

    Sure, I only needed something like 300 points for my course anyway so I don't know what I was worrying about!

    I am appealing my French though, since I was dissapointed with that.

  5. Lol ok direct question (gawd I hate you =P )

    I got 460 pts, and I needed 410-420. The lowest I got was a C3 in physics (which I probably need the most for the course I want to do) so that wasn't too bad at all. OMG OMG I got an A1 in English!!!! Yay! Party time!

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