
Leaving the computer on...?

by  |  earlier

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My dad says its better to leave my computer on the whole day instead of how I keep on turning it on and off when I go out and come home. Is he right? Or will leaving it on damage my computer? Thanks




  1. i have a laptop 2 and i leave it on all day. nothing bad happens 2 it

  2. Leaving it on will waste energy meaning higher electricity bills.

    And more destroying the planet.

    And if you do leave your computer on never off, for nout a month, it will overheat and chances are you'll need a new computer

  3. woodnt it save more energy if u hav it off wen ure not using it?

  4. Don't leave a laptop on all day.  Laptops are prone to overheating and have been known to cause fires and/or exploding batteries.  This is particularly true if you own a Dell.  They were involved in a large lawsuit in CA.

    Even if you don't have a fire, the hotter your laptop gets, the sooner it will wear out.  The heat sinks in laptops are smaller and less efficient than in desktops.  

    If you must leave it on, keep a fan blowing on it and/or set it to hibernate after a half hour or so.

  5. It doesn't matter much either way.  If you have lots of software running in the background, it can actually not be a good thing, as it will use CPU cycles, reducing the overall life of your processor (if you leave the computer on 24/7 for a year, a computer running the exact same software with the exact same hardware running 8/7 will last three times as long.

    He's also forgetting the power usage of a PC.

    If you're gonna be gone more than a third of the day, it might be better to turn the computer off, makes it less likely for your system to be hacked while you're not there.

    Personally, I leave my computer on 24/7.

  6. just close it when not using it. I don't think it would damage your computer.

  7. nothing to worry dad is right

  8. Hard drives in computers only have a specific lifetime of so many turning on and off's when we shut them down and later reboot them. Other components inside the comptuer are also affected.

    I have several, and use cable connection to the web, and just put the dekstop and laptop in standby mode when not using them... the biggest user of electricity is the monitor, and if you put it in sleep mode when not using the computer, you are using next to NO electricity and power..... If you are going to be gone from home for an extended period of time (vacation, weekend getaway, etc.) then most tech experts suggest shutting them down at that time....

    A computer sould be rebooted once a week or so, just to empty the cache and give it a chance to reset itself.... but really no need to shut down.... If you use dialup, that is a different story as you want your phone line available when not using the computer....

    have to agree with your dad 100% on this thought....

  9. I leave it on. It takes power ( a bunch ) to start turn off start again and again which will run battery down harshly

  10. laptops tend to overheat much faster than desktops (the way the fans are positioned since there is less room), don't leave it on all day

  11. Do not keep it on!

  12. My opinion you better turn your PC off before you leave your

    Home or whatever. it will cost a lot of Electric and if your House is not Air-conditioned the PC maybe get Short Circuit.

    But if your room is has an AC well you can leave it all day long

    But it'll cost you a lot of Electric Bill like i said.

    if you want to turn your PC or not, it's up to you.

  13. i leave my computer on all day and only turn it off at night and its not broken, but i dont know if turning it on and off everytime you use it is more energy efficent... i dont think it makes a big difference whether you keep turnig it on or leaving it on all day as long as you have a screensaver...

  14. Think of it this way. If you were not permitted to sleep or take a rest, you're everyday functions would become slower and less reliable. This is true with a computer as well. Leaving the computer on and letting it sleep is not a bad thing. But, you should restart it every couple days or so.

    One other thing to consider is the expected life of your computer. If you left your car running at all times, you probably won't get many miles out of it. Computers have parts that wear out over time also. Be smart and let your computer sleep when not in use for short periods (hours). If you're not going to use it for a day or more, shut it off.

  15. it wont damage it but some computers will burn up if you leave it on too long

  16. it could overheat but if the cooling system works great then don't worry about it if you think it could hurt it don't do it

  17. Aside from using electricity  - leaving a computer on is fine.

    When you boot a computer the initial shock of electricity going through the circuit - will shorten the life of the machine a little bit - but its nothing to worry about. Your machine will be obsolete before it dies :)

    You computer can consume between 100-150 watts of power from idling - so save energy when you can.  Put it to sleep at least


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