
Lebanon, can you translate please.?

by Guest59059  |  earlier

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what do you call a chicken breast? I say "sfineh", my husband and his whole family call it "sefneh" which I personally find very funny.




  1. why don't u just call it Pane or fillet (the letter T is silent)

  2. sfineh.

    by the way, where is ur husband from?

  3. I call it sodor djej.

    (Ma fiyyé ma illik chta2tellik)

  4. Sfineh akid!!

    "sefneh"?? lol

  5. lol we call it "sidr djaaj"

  6. Don't know about Arabic but in English chicken breast is also called 'White Meat' and suppose to have less calories than leg piece.

  7. I'm just a simple Aussie ...I call it  chicken breast !  Boring huh !

    Welcome back from the wilderness green person.

  8. don't think ALL of Baalbackies call it Sefneh .. matter of fact it's the first time i hear this word hehe .. =p

    sfineh .. sadr .. filet .. kello bymshi as long as im invited to dinner ...

  9. sfineh (well south of lebanon call it safiniyeh...

    .... we call it sfineh kiserwen !!

  10. hi

    yes we call it "safinah", it's arabic word and it's mean (boat, Ship)

    really it's look like ship.

    and we are in Jordan called it Safinah too.

  11. sfineh

  12. I'm form the south and we call it sfineh and the plural is safayen

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