
Leg muscle cramps?

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I started running again for the lsat 3 weeks and I've ran everyday since. I usually run 2-3 miles depending on what time i run. However for the last 3 days i've been getting leg cramps in my calve muscles and I am not able to run. I figured i would wait it out and they would stop hurting so i didn't run for the last 2 days. However when i tried to run again, i felt the same cramps and now it hurts when i walk.

Is there a reason why this is happening and can anyone tell me what to do?




  1. When I was in high school I had the same problem, and it had something to do with low potassium eat lots of bananas and drink lots of water. Also you can look for potassium pills in the pharmacy.

  2. Could be a circulation problem, when your muscle doesnt get enough oxygen, it can cause cramp.

    Or muscle strain from overuse, if you only just started again and went straight into everyday running, I think thats likely. Take it easier and make sure to warm up properly.

  3. I had read that Gatorade is suppose to help. I had read this on a health site on the internet. Hope this helps.

  4. First of all, cramps typically occur when one is either dehydrated or when one's electrolyte balance is off.  I'd suggest drinking water and an occasional Gatorade to combat this.

    You may also have an accumulation of lactic acid when can cause these problems.  Believe it or not, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed into a large glass of water right after a workout will prevent your body from post-workout soreness.

    You could have also strained your calf muscles.  Are you running up hill or on uneven terrain? These could be two reasons for your calf pain as well.

    Your body is definitely speaking to you...With that being said, I'd probably listen.  Take some time off (1 week) and try to return to your running regimen more conservatively.  

    You should also walk x 5-10 minutes and then perform some light stretching (hamstrings, quads and calves) prior to running.  This could also curb your aching calves.

    Lastly, consider running in the Asics Gel Kayano.  They're the Rolls Royce of running shoes!

  5. You have probably just overused your muscles.  If you havent run for a while and then started up again, then your muscles are not used to working that hard.  It will definitely take more than a few days to relax them.

    I suggest keeping a heating pad on your leg if it gets to hurting too much. Otherwise, there are a few things you can do. You can try running a light jog for not very long, just to keep your legs active, but not overactive. Also, you should stretch when you can, especially before and after you run.

    Hope this helped. Contact me if you have questions :D

    And a note on what ezra and dari said:

    Ezra- yes i agree it may be low potassium and bananas DO help. My friend had that same problem.

    Dari- Correction: if it was a PULLED muscle, you would not be able to hardly move your leg. a muscle is PULLED when it is torn away from the bone and it is very painful. I think you mean an overused muscle. This is a common mistake tho. haha :D

  6. have you been stretching?

    Otherwise, you may have pulled a muscle.

    Or, take a look at the shoes you're running in. Are they good running shoes? If you're planning to do some serious running, I'd suggest going to a local running store (not Footlocker or any place like that.. unless there are no local running stores) and get fitted for some good running shoes.
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