
Legal age in spain?

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What is the legal age in tenerife (1) to drink alcohol (2) to purchase in an off-lincense (3) to buy in a bar?




  1. 18 to drink, 16 to be in a bar unless with consenting adult

  2. As Spain is an Eu member the rules for drinking have been unified for all members and that is !8 years old. How ever due to the wonderfull laid back culture its not police so keenly as other member states. I must add that i am pleased to have lived in one of the costa del sol touris towns for more then 10 years and its 90 + % holiday people who abuse the alcholic dinks!!

  3. I was assured by our holiday rep in Benidorm, that you can buy alchohol anywhere in Spain fron the age of sixteen. Perhaps she was just trying to get us to book a few more happy days oot! I also heard the same information from an ex pat who runs a bar.

  4. legal age is 18, in Tenerife and in rest of Spain.

    age to drink alcohol and to buy it is 18 as well.

  5. low degree alcohol: 16

    above: 18

    as anywhere in Spain

  6. ive seen kids under 16 get served everywhere in europe i dont think anyone cares-i do know that the legal age for s*x in spain is 13 though

  7. 1. No one cares.

    2. no one could care less, specially if you go to a chinese semi-legal shop.

    3. well, gues you already know the answer...

    Is widely ignored everywhere, really

  8. Since all three are flagrantly ignored by most Spanish licencees, the question is pretty academic.

  9. is anyone taking any notice in the holiday resorts

  10. The legal drinking age in Spain, and its associated territories (including Tenerife) is actually 18 years old, in line with the rest if Europe, despite many myths and stories otherwise!!! In Spain, this does however have a few exceptions though, most notably that under 18's can actually drink in the presense of responsible adults. Though technically 16 year olds drinking alcohol are tolerated, strictly speaking this is not in fact legal and you most certainly cannot purchase alcohol at that age!

  11. 18

  12. they are all wrong, the legal age to drinking in tenerife (Islas canàrias) is ==== for 0,1 to 23 degree of alcohol--16 years===== for 23,1 to 100 degree of alcohol--18 years
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