
Legalize it?

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particularly i myself participate in the occasional smoking of marijuana. [[i don't blaze everyday, &i only do once in a while at a party]] i'm responsible about it, i just do it to relax, simple as that. &i don't go driving or anything afterwords, etc.

if it is legalized the government will tax us up the @$$.

they already have their hands in enough of our activities.

so when the time comes please don't vote to legalize it, i'm not even kidding.

so what are your opinions on it?




  1. Totally NOT for drug, if not it will turn the place or country into a drug DEN.

    As I know marijuana has medical value and if it is a drug in other form, it is legalised.

    By the way, U from US or Europe?.

  2. nah, we have enough dumb stoner hippies already but its alright occasionally

  3. Why Yes! we should legalize anything that a person wants to do or use. No one should be able to tell anyone what to do. We should all just do what we want. SO If I need money folks shouldn't get upset when I take it from them to use. And If I need food and Don't have money I should be able to walk into a store and take what I need.

    h**l ya, lets legalize everything. No one is responsible for any thing, no one would have to answer for anything. And Just think of all the money that we could save in taxes without police and the court system.

    I do think that We need to have a point where somethings are illegal and controlled. Otherwise the above lunacy would be a fact of life.

  4. I think it should be legal. Marijuana and it's twin cousin hemp have many other uses we can't take advantage of simply because it's illegal.

    I do understand what you mean about taxes... But I still believe it would be a lot better if the stuff were legal.

  5. I don't use pot - never have liked the smell of it for one, and for two, I just don't see the point in getting"stoned", but that aside, I think that if they made it legal it would free up alot of space in the jails. We as a country spend so much time, money and effort on the drug trade that it is actually a burden.

    People have and will continue to find ways to relieve stress, or boredom, and getting stoned is one of the many ways that they do. It will also cut down on some of the drug traffic because they can buy it like they do beer, wine, cigs- and yeah, tax the c**p out of it so that the money can be used for the medical bills that they run up by polluting their own bodies.

    Have limits, like amounts and age limits similar to the limits on cigs and beer ect.  Why keep the drug lords rich when taking away one of the pruducts they sell on the streets off and put it on the shelves in the store where the store owners can make a profit?

  6. Yea just what we need another drug in this world to get someone "high". Get a life, most everywhere drug test's now so don't tell me you a CEO of a huge company and make 300 grand a year. It's illegal it's going to stay illegal, as for my look on drugs period don't take them unless you have to, they do nothing but hurt our society.

    I'm proud to be drug free. :)

  7. I think it should be legalized. That's because it would take away nearly all the crime and profit associated with illegal drugs. It would also empty out our prisons and as a result, violent offenders would have to serve out their entire sentences instead of being released early to make room for those jailed for minor drug offences. A lot of the problems and violence in Latin American countries stem from illegal drug trafficking. Legalize drugs and we will no longer have to keep throwing money to fight a useless and unwinnable war. As long as it remains lucrative, there will be plenty of people who are more than willing to do or risk anything to get some of the profits.

    I live less than 100 miles from the Mexican border. I have not crossed over in years because the drug trafficking has gotten so bad that it is actually dangerous to go there. You don't know if you're going to be robbed or kidnapped even in the tourist areas.

  8. Where I live (the Netherlands) the toleration of marijuana has led to pre-teens being taken out of school because they are so obsessed with smoking. The stuff here is very strong.

    Whether or not itis legal the stuff is a menace. I realise there's no point suppressing it, there will always be drug using idiots, but putting the stamp of approval on it is a mistake.

  9. Some people I know in Canada make more than a few dollars from it.They are generous souls who also give big cash donations to charities not to mention their hard up friends.

    So, yes I agree it should not be legalised for the big league cigarette companies to sell it to us and make huge profits.

    It should be de-criminalised so that just having some is not a crime.

  10. yes, and pay for it with food stamps.

  11. I think I'm on the fence with this one. All of the jails here in Arizona are overcrowded and a good percent of these people are locked up for marijuana offenses, myself included, but I've been out for a while. You're right with the taxing up the butt, though. I think we should have the kind of setup that Canada has where if you have enough for just personal use it's legal.
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