
Lego Kids?

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Does anyone know if any research has been done on kids who grow up with Lego and who are somewhat addicted to these building blocks? I know a few kids who simply will "kill" if anyone should accidentally trip on their Lego, one of whom is 15 years old and still enjoys creating new things with it. He has a huge collection.

I wondered if there was a specific trait about these children who either grow up playing Lego because it is the only toy given to them, or is there is a specific trait among children who specifically love mostly Lego regardless of what is given to them? i.e. Is there a special trait about kids who love Lego, as opposed to Kids who could not care less?

Will appreciate a reasonable answer.




  1. I think that the reason the kids get upset is that they see it more of an artwork they have built and don't like it destroyed where others just see them as building blocks.

    My son (10YO) loves lego, especially Star Wars sets but I don't see him being fanatical about it.

  2. Dear Alpine,

    I grow up with legos too...

    I had big ones than my parents bought me the small ones which has details like windows,glasses... I start to play with them between the age of 8 to 13 than start to make models like air craft, ships and tanks...etc...

    When I had my legos I was not allow anyone else to touch them... They were my personal tools...

    I had different kind of toys too but I was be able to make what ever I want with them... What I could create with small plastic soldiers? Nothing... But lego...I was making house, ships, star craft, ATM machine :)

    I am a purchasing manager now...
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