
Leopard gecko hellp plzzzz! answer!?

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yea hey... im gonna get a leopard gecko and i need the most information that you can give me about there heating shelter and food and lots more of what they will need...

and how much it will cost






    First make sure that they are close to their adult size.  If you get them to young, they can die of undernourishment because thier intestines haven't had time to develop.

    They eat crickets, milworms and in a GREAT while pinkie baby rats.  I have found that medium to large crickets (2 dozen = $5) are best for them, and feed them 5 crickets every other day.  The pinkie rats are good for their liver, but only feed them these every few months.

    If their skin is yellow, it means that they are healthy.  Fat tails are also a good sign.

    They are nocturnal animals, so they will need a log or something to sleep under during the day. 70 degrees is a good temperature for them and they like lots of sun with some shade.

    Sand is a good bedding for them.  If you spill water in there environment, clean it up because that could attract deadly mites.

    Hope this helps

  2. get a leopard gecko they like crawling around on you and like sitting on your shoulder they can live their life in a 10 gallon the rule for leos is 10 gallons a Gecko and for a bottem all you need is paper towels feed the Gecko 1 Cricket a day as baby ( 1-4 Years) 2 a day as sub adult (5-12 years) then 3 a day for the rest of his life. Clean the cage once a month

    Leo Supplies


    Crickets are Geckos main diet


    Pinkies when adults ( Never give more than once a week)

    Mealworms ( do not give more than 3 times a week)

    Other Stuff-

    10 gallon tank

    Cricket Food

    Critter Carrier(2) 1 for the Gecko 1 for the Crickets

    paper towels

    coconut shell

    Water dish (rock like thing you can get from pet store)

    Day Blue 50 watt light (depends where you live)

    night red 75 watt light (depends where you live)

    Climbing log (only from pet store)

    Calcium powder (to put on crickets only)

    Do not buy the pet from any chain stores at all but you can buy the supplies do not listen to the employes they sell the wrong stuff for any animal i own a leo and this is what i have and my Gecko is perfectly happy

    Petco, Petsmart, ect.

    i spent 65$ on everything but i had my own tank

    the Gecko was 32$$

  3. they need UVB heating. you migh need to get aproximetly 10 gallon tank, ask the employees there for the heating, and youll have to feed them crickets. i have a bearded dragon and i got too scared to feed her them alive, so i froze them and she eats them. youll need to sprinkles all their food with calcium powder. all the other stuff is basicly your choice, what you want the terrain to be, the decoratives and other stuff.

    + i hope i helped...♥

  4. i personally have a leopard gecko and i love it.

    mine was about thirty dollars, he drinks chlorine free water  and he eats meal worms which doesnt cost too muchh, and wax worms which can get pretty expensive. my little leo eats about 4-8 meal worms aday and two wax worms. i dont feed him crickets, because they feed off of his p**p and he eats them, that can cause stunt of growth, mall-nutrition and many other problems.

    the sand for the cage is about 10 to 15 dollars, depending on which kind you get, theres normal sand and vitamin sand, i really don't see the difference. the heating lamp is about 15 dollars, not including the bulb and the cage i have is small and costed about 15 to 20 dollars including the top so he doesn't get out. good luck. i hope i included enough!

  5. The basic list includes:

    twenty gallon tank

    screen lid

    two light fixtures

    appropriate lighting for each fixture

    appropriate substrate

    hide outs and other ornaments for them to play in

    water dish

    crickets and cricket calcium dust

    I think it would be more beneficial to you if you went out and bought a book on leopard geckos before you went out to buy the gecko itself. Expect to put down at least $200.

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