
Let Diana Rest in Peace!?

by Guest44667  |  earlier

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OK first of all I know this doesn't really help - starting a conversation about people who start conversations about it but....

Princess Diana died over a decade ago now, I know she was thought of as a good person and did so much work for charity and good causes in general. I think she was someone to look up to as she used her power and publicity to bring attention to causes that needed it. She completely exploited the media for good. But she was only a human being and a such should be allowed to rest in peace instead of having her memory dragged through the eternal purgatory that people would like to.

Think about her sons, princes Harry and William, do you think they would be happy about people continually talking about their mother as if she were not human? As if she had been 'murdered' by some kind of conspiracy? Would you like people to collect dolls and plates with your dead mother's face on?!




  1. that happens to so many celebraties how can you just single her out? what about elvis? tupac? marilyn monroe? james dean? jesus christ??? that's what happens when you're a live on forever.

  2. i dont think the theories matter anymore. shes passed and it wont bring her back and obviously her sons only think about her in a positive way and dont dwell on it so neither should we.

    im reading one of her biographies and its amazing. really look up to her.

  3. Well when you die would you like to be buried,and forgotten by your friend's and family?

    It's always the good that die,and people love to keep their memory alive..If the public collected plates,and doll's of my mother then I'd know she was not only very special to me but to everyone.and that's a GREAT HONOR.

  4. I'm with you.

    and for pete's sake she was not a bloody legend ... but she's certainly becoming mythical.

    She was a flawed Human being ... as we all are.. .she , through marriage gained famed .. and she didn't work a nine to five job like the rest of us... and she had royal duties to perform... she carried out charitable works .. BUT in her shoes wouldn't you do the same ?

    She was an adulter.. as was her husband .. she wasn't a saint .. she was HUMAN.

    Yes Let her rest in peace!!

  5. i hate the media and i think like you do that diana should be allowed to rest in peace. She went away with her boyfriend after she got divorced and the media should not always talk about that. this is a common thing- diana had to suffer just because she was a princess. and as we all kno, the good die first and the same case was with diana. i think that this shud b stopped coz its an insult to her memory

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