
Let me clear this up.?

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I have a step-child.It is my husbands child. we also share one together. The childs mother is on drugs.The child has lived with us since she was two, she is now five.Her mother had another child two months ago and the social service took it from her because of drugs. The social service told her that if she would get clean that they would help her get her kids back. This mother hasn't worked in 6 years live with grand mother,has been in jail,and since we have had the child I can count on two hands how many times she has been to see the child we have.I told my husband that he needed to go get cousidty of her. Because if he didn't and she would get clean and come back to get the child I would be sitting in jail because I would realy hurt this woman.This is my child I have been there for her. I buy for her.When we first got her she would cuss you out now, she is as nice and sweet as can be.We are in the church and she loves to go. I love this child as if she was mine.She calls me her mama.




  1. there needs to be more people like you in this world... I totally agree with you that your husband should get custody...if she ever is clean then you as a couple can decide if she may visit from time to time!  you need to be strong and document the dates and times she has ever visited just so  you have a record!  what a lovely life this child will have with you guys and she is settled and happy and this will show!!   good luck to you and your family!

  2. I'm glad to hear that you would fight for her. :) She is very luck to have you in her corner.

    But i don't think getting full custody will stop the ex from getting full custody of her daughter if and when she is clean.

    You both can get full custody, but if she cleans up, she can always file for custody again.

    I think the only way to stop her from getting your daughter is to have her sign away her parental rights and you officially and legally adopt your daughter.  

    I don't know the law or anything, but that is what i think. I would consult a lawyer and see what your options are.

    Good luck to you. Hope this works out the way you want it.

  3. Not only would I go get custody of the child you HAVE, but I would consider asking child services to place her new baby with you, even if it isn't your husbands. I know it seems like a crazy idea, but that baby is your stepdaughter's sister!

  4. That really wasn't a question but I feel you. Good suggestion to the Dad but do you think Mom will give up her parental rights? I think they have to do that don't they? If not, now would be a perfect opportunity to get sole custody. It shouldn't be too hard considering her history.

    Now, I am against doing this to keep the child from her mother  out of spite but it sounds like you are doing it to protect the child and your family so more power to you. It would be sad if the state gave the child back to the Mom just because she completed a drug program and stayed clean for a few weeks. I'd be very devastated if she relapsed as soon as she got the kid back. Good luck!

  5. I dont think you have anything to worry about.  Even if the mom does get clean you guys still have a very good chance of still gaining full costody becuase neither of you guys ever went to jail or had a drug problem.  You should at least try to get custody of her now but seriously she wont win even if she does get clean.  So what if she does that doesnt mean anything you guys have been there for her and have taken care of her while her mom was doing whatever. the court system isnt going to take her away from a good loving home where she is taken care of , and put her in a home of a women who hasent given a rats *** about her and was just out of jail and is into drugs just becuase she says she is "Clean" now. You dont have anything to worry about.. And good for you for taking care of a step child like that. i wish my step mom would be this nice! good luck
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