
Lethagic Goldfish?

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I have had my 4 fantail goldfish for over a week now. Followed everything by the book with regards to setting up the new tank, etc. Water tests are fine. Done 2 partial water changes and everything seems fine. However, yesterday my redcap oranga is just in the middle of the tank, not swimming. He had a lice on his tail about 5 days ago which I removed as per Pet shop and added salt and stresseze, he was fine after that but now he is not eating and seems to have an injured one of his petoral fin as he just uses one to stay where he is.

The other 3 fish are fine, the water is fine in all levels.

Is this just an injury, stress or something more deeprooted.

Please help.




  1. In our shop we picked off fish lice and put a dab of bedidyne

    on the spot.We also never use salt in our gold fish system,that is the big holding tank that runs into all the goldfish tanks.

         Debbie O

  2. If your tank is at least 40 gallons and the filter will handle a 100 gallon tank then that part of your set-up meets minimum requirements.  You must use tap water conditioner every time you do a parter change.

    Since you've had your fish for "over a week" now, I can only presume that you did not cycle your tank before adding your goldfish.  You need to do some intensive research on the nitrogen cycle, new tank syndrome and how to cycle a tank with fish.  Most likely, your fish are lethargic do to very poor water quality.  Ammonia and nitrite spikes ***very*** high as the tank cycles.  Ammonia is lethal.  Nitrite is less toxic but will cause lethargy and can kill if left unchecked at high levels.  Unless ammonia and nitrite is 0ppm, nitrate is 10-40ppm and pH is between 6.0-8.0ppm, your water is not healthy.  Be absolutely certain that you don't use buffers to raise or lower pH.  A stable range is much better.

    Hopefully, the "salt" added was freshwater aquarium salt and not marine or table salt!!  Aquarium salt helps with osmoregulation (breathing) and doesn't "cure" anything.  I rarely, if ever, use it.  

    If only one fish is affected, it should really be in a quarantine tank.  The other healthy fish will bully the sick fish..... and if it has a parasite load or other disease it will infect your other fish.
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