
Lib Dems - More dispicable than Labour?

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So while Labour enthusiastically attempt to destroy the UK as an indepenant entity - the Lib Dems 'proudly' declare that they will sit on their hands.




  1. No labour would win hands down

  2. Remind me ; who was it who signed the Maastricht Treay?

  3. It would be nice to know, something good, that we are not aware of, wouldn't it?

  4. More despicable than Brown and his mob? Than the ones who stole our pensions, lied about Iraq, sold policy and honours, fiddled donations and now openly and unashamedly break their word about the Euro-referendum?

    Is that possible?

  5. We now have a Tory council, the Audit Commission has said that they are the 8th worst council in the land, that they are complacent and self serving. When the Lib Dems were in power here, we were the 10th best council in the land.

    In 3 years the Tories have ruined Tunbridge Wells by stupidity and arrogance. There are a lot worse parties that Labour and the Lib Dems,

    If the Tories get in, kiss your stability and peace goodbye.

    In every Conservative administration, crime has increased exponentially, under Labour the crime rate has lessened in the speed of growth. No bull.

  6. Maybe its time for a coalition government the best of the bunch,I would be surprised if we could get enough good ones to form a cabinet let alone a a government,

    most of them are scrabbling over who done this that or the other they couldn't agree on the colour of sh-te and then there is the Independence issue, yes give it to them let them see how easy it is to live under a Scotch prime minister

    Lib Dem's Labour new or old Tory's no of them are worth a t-ss,why not be brave go for a new party what more harm can they do? vote UKIP yes the I does stand for Independent

    so maybe its time we all took on Independence just keep the armed forces and their bases.

  7. They run my local council,in the council when Labour ran it there was only 5 people earning 50 grand plus a year,lib dems got in and it went up to 47 councillors being paid in excess of 50 grand apiece and they have ****** up with all the extra cash they raised...and as for their stance on europe well they ain't gonna get my vote ever...

  8. i know!! i shouted at the telly too. traitors!! they obviously have their greedy little eyes on the EU gravy train too eh!!. we need to vote outside the block and ridd ourselves of the main three parties. all three are traitors to Britain and its people.

  9. What???You don't believe that there is a difference between the LibLabCon Party?

    My awakening came when I was 16 and I had to deliver a couple of bottles of whisky to a local well-to-do household. Inside were 3 "distinguished" counsellors nattering about how they would "back each other up" on such-and-such a matter, how they would pretend to oppose various issues in return for various favours in the future and so on. Nothing like pi**ing in the same pot, and if anyone thinks that voting Tory or Lib will cut Petrol Tax or any other tax I wouldn't bet on it!

  10. A bit of a shame really, I'd hoped the Lib Dems would have the cojones to openly back the Lisbon treaty.

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