
Libras in your opinion......???

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are they good leaders???

and make a columb about stuff you hate about them and stuff you like ....then tell me on a scale from 1-10 how much you like them. Also tell me ur sign




  1. Yeah they make great arrogant attention grabbing leaders, i ***** make a list of things i dislike about them because it would just be way too long. I give them a 2, and im a cap

  2. i'm a libra and i think i am a good leader.

  3. nope, i dont think so. ive known quite a few, and they have all been too wishy washy, they like you one day, the next they talk behind your back. not a strong sign in the zodiac. i give em a 4

  4. I'm a Libra and while we don't like to lead, we can do it.  Like, if there's an emergency in my family, I usually stay pretty calm.  We are good listeners, great lovers, always there for someone when they need us and very creative.  The bad side is that we are very indecisive.  Cannot make up our minds for anything.  We are shopaholics, which can get us in trouble financially if we don't be careful.  I think that's it.  On a scale, I would say 8.  

  5. My significant other is a Libra, I don't think that he's the "leader" type,but he is definately set in his routine. He does what he needs to do and doesn't break away from it until it's done.





    goal oriented

    easy going



    I am an Aries, and the one thing that I appreciate the most about my relationship is that we balance eachother out. In my shortcomings is where he is strongest  & in his shortcomings I am strong. I have learned to  choose my battles wisely (since we both like to be right) and when it's not a big deal to let it slide...  Having said that on a scale of 1-10 I definately give my Libra a 10+++

  6. yes libras are good leaders.. they're smart, nice people like balancing everything.. i'm dating a libra.. he's awesome, im gemini.. i'll rate them 13... but not all libras are the same, some libras are very different. they have bad habits etc.. but they're alright.  

  7. im a libra :)

    i dont usually " lead " stuff but im not like a big follower or whatever.

    people find me friendly, enjoyable easy to like :P

    and i dont care what they hate bout me.

    i like myself about a 6


  8. im a libran and though we naturally make good leaders(coz libra is a cardinal sign), we can just be too lazy to want to bother(well, me anyway). coz i notice if i were to become suddenly interested i could actually make a good leader. lol.

    so id probably rate us about an 8 overall.

  9. I'm a Libra, and I think I am a pretty good leader.  I have to force myself to be stong and not want to appease everyone.  Sometimes we can be a little wishy washy.  

  10. My other half is a Libra and he is a very much so a leader, he knows what he wants, he loves his job, is very close with his parents, only opens up to those he is closest to (me). Has a hard time of letting go of something/someone he loves, can be an arrogant prick at time but hey i can be b*tch!! Overall i love my guy... so i give him a 10!!

    I'm a capricorn

  11. Libras are more likely to have the idea, put it forward and let someone else go with it.  They are good negotiators, able to lead on behalf of good causes, have good communication skills and make excellent mediators.

    I am an Aries.

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