
Life insurance exam?

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I applied for life insurance and they sent out a medical examiner. She took urine and blood samples. I did not think anything of it at the time. Later that day I read that they wanted to test me for drugs. The problem is that the night before the exam my husband and I smoked some marijuana. It is a rare thing for us and I did not disclose that information to the examiner. I understand that my failed drug test will be sent to the MIB. My question is.....Can I cancel my application before the test results come in to avoid it being sent to the MIB or is it too late? The exam was yesterday.




  1. Looking for life insurance to protect your family, but want to make sure you get the best rate? The easiest way to do is to take advantage of the power of the internet. Here's a great place...

  2. VERY interesting guide info about your Question HERE:

    Good luck!

  3. "Duckboy" maybe right or wrong on his view of pot but it is still illegal and fairly or unfairly... you not only will be rejected by the life insurance will be reported to M.I.B. And other insurance companies will be able to view it.

    Your only hope is to call the Medical Examiner & the life insurance company and have your application pulled and shredded, A.S.A.P.! -Good luck!!!

  4. I would not worry, the insurance company is required to keep medical records private in accordance with HIPAA.

    I think they are looking for Cocaine, chrystal meth, crack, ect.

    Pot smoking is illegal because we were trying to halt Mexicans from coming here during the great depression.  Pot is a natural substance, and harmless in my opinion.  If you and your husband enjoy it, god bless you.  Should be more legal than alcohol

    I cannot endulge due to drug testing at work..

  5. your marijuana use may or may not be a factor in getting an insurance policy.  you need to contact the insurance company and tell them what happened.  if they find that you did not disclose information during the application process after the policy is inforce, they have the right to recind your policy and return your premium.

  6. Just when you think you've heard it all ...

  7. Yes.  Call the agent and have them withdrawal your application.  Then tell him to go shopping for a company that allows occasional marijuana use.  You do not want to lie on the application.
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