
Life questions.?

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i`m a 16 years old girl and i need some help. i feel like i`m not really living my life. i know this is my life is happening. but i feel like tehre`s not much i can do about it. and i hate it the way is right now. i wanna feel like i`m doing something somethign greater than the ordinary /daily stuff...something that i`m passionate about...but i have no idea what my passions are...and i feel like i don`t deserve this life because i don`t do anything important special. i feel like i`m wasting my youth. i can`t believe i`m gonna be 17 this year. time really does fly. please help me somehow...




  1. Ask your parents friends etc if they didn't feel the same at some time in their life.

    p.s. Wish I was seventeen again

  2. I agree with prayer. Im 21 and have definetly felt like i havent been happy with my life situation. where i am,what im doing, where im not, what im not doing, and at a subtle deep level, i feel there is something "more" This is felt at some level by alot more people than you think. just look around. This yearning could be the biggest blessing in the world, especially if it doesnt feel like it now. I hit some rather rough stuff when i was about 16 also. This question i am about to ask is the only question worth anything in this world.  Who am I? This will easily be overlooked as i expect. check it out yourself. Is there something in you that has recorded all the good in bad in your whole life, and is somehow unrecordable? Like something that is necessary for you to see your not living your life, but isnt changed by anything. anywho check it out. hold on to letting go. I really hope this helps.

  3. The best thing to do is pray.

    The second thing is ask others about what they think are your talents or best assets.

    Try to focus on things you like the most and the least.

    Make notes when you felt excited doing something and not happy. It'll help you reflect on your life and your personality.

    Just be positive young lady.
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