
Lifting weights question?

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I don't understand how people can go 1 muscle week. Like i hear people's weekly routines day 1- chest, day 2- back, day 3-biceps, day 4-triceps and day 5-legs. That means once you do chest on monday you wont do it again until saturday. After a 2-3 day rest shouldn't you hit that again? My current routine is day 1 - biceps and back, day 2- chest shoulders day 3- triceps and legs and abs every day for 6 days and rest on sunday. I just dont get how people without taking steroids or anything can do that, after the 2-3 day rest your muscle starts getting weaker and out of shape right?




  1. I usually do 2 on and 1 off.  for me off days are cardio/calves/abs

    Day 1:


    Day 2:


    Day 3:


    Day 4:


    Day 5:


    Day 6:


    Day 7:

    Off or repeat cycle (usually repeat cycle)


    if you vary the intensity of your training you don't have to worry about overtraining.  overtraining occurs when the central nervous system is not allowed to fully recover after repeated bouts of high intensity exercise.  I'm pretty sedentary outside of the gym these days so that allows me to recover pretty quickly plus I have naturally high test levels.  the levels of circulating androgens has a direct effect on the ability for the CNS to recover.  this is one of the main reason why it's near impossible to overtrain for those that use gear.

  2. Actually without drugs you need more recovery time.  I train for strongman competition, so if i was getting weaker, trust me, I'd change it.

    Beside, if you really hit the squats or deadlifts, you would still be sore 2 or 3 days later.

  3. nahh

    and your routine is bad

    chest works triceps...if you work chest on tuesday make triceps a few days later....

    and you should only work it once a week so it can fully "repair itself"...i would know i only work stuff every 6-9 days

    and ive gained 30 pounds since april and have gotten ALOT stronger :) prob more stronger than youd get in 2 years on this routine...youd gain SOME muscle since your prob a noob

    and it wont make you weaker, if it did bodybuilders wouldnt be bodybuilders, i wouldnt be 160 pounds, my brother wouldnt be able to bench 535 pounds and whatever else

    and steroids would just make you a tub of lard if you didnt workout so...yeah...

    you should do that 5 times a week thing and go heavy my main dude

    but switch legs and biceps


    to the guy below me

    how do you work your calves twice a week without overtraining? i did that for a few weeks and they got smaller till i took my week off for working out 12 weeks straight they went back to can you explain that to me?

  4. sometimes your muscles can take up to a week to fully repair itself which is why you hear about bodybuilders doing that.  i workout the same muscles every five to six days...hope that helps

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