
Likeliness of pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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please don't judge me, just simply use logic to help me figure this out.

my boyfriend accidently slipped inside me with *** on him (excuse the detail) this was on the 25th of july. i then got my period on the 26th. obviosuly its now the 27th of august i am sometimes late but my average cycle is 28-30 days... i know i seem like i am making something out of nothing... i am just wondering of the possibility. i will take a test anyway.




  1. Of course it is possible. Sperm does not die until it is dry. You could probably take a test now, but even if it comes back negative, you should wait a few more days and then test again.

    Sperm does not die when it hits the air, that would make no sense, how could we have sperm specimens?

    EDIT: I got pregnant on the second day of my period, so even if you did start bleeding the next day, you could still be pregnant. How do people NOT know this?

  2. Your chances are very low but not zero.

    Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about it or you will end up imagining all sorts of symptoms and spend the next few weeks getting anxious about what will probably be nothing at all.

    Try to be more careful next time and if you miss your next period, take a test.

  3. I would advise doing a test just for your own sake and stop you wondering, but if you got your period the day after you are not likely to be, your bleeding is what carries away the egg to make way for the next to take its place

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