
Limeware corrupted files?

by  |  earlier

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I have uninstalled and reinstalled Limeware probably 4 or 5 times. Would love to go back to the older version I had but it was taken off my PC when I upgraded. Where can I get the older version? Checked Limeware but didn't see anything. After seeing these answers now I know why Limewire was avoiding my question and being rude! Thanks guys and I do shop Amazon! Oh excuse me I used an exclamation point. The Limewire "tech" told me I was being unprofessional, and rude because I used an exclamation point in one of my many mails to them and if I continued to use them my mails would be deleted! There I go again! Using exclamation points! LOL





    limewire is a filesharing site and your gonna get a virus with that nice new computer, plus its wrong BUY MUSIC

  2. You could intall the old version direct from the CD. If you do not have it, you could check places on the web that might allow you to get it on a trial version. Good luck.

  3. Limewire is illegal and my frieds dad got arrested for using it, either you get arrested or pay a 30,000 fine. dont use it

    it put capital records out of bisneess

  4. To the person  that said "Capital Records" went out of business.  First of all it is "Capitol" Records with an "O" instead of an "A".  Learn how to spell.  Second of all, Capitol Records has not gone out of business.  Don't make up stuff or pretend like you know something when in fact you know nothing.  

  5. Just don't touch Limewire, it's more riddled with viruses than your mother!

  6. Try using Ares Galaxy, its a lot safer. That's what I did and haven't had any problems since I switched.

  7. do not use lime wire.  it is quite possibly the worst thingyou could do to your computer.  learn to use utorrent.  it is faster and the files are less likely to be corrupt of virus infected.

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