
Limewire help!! will i get viruses?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone ever had any problems with limewire? i don't want to get any weird viruses or anything! but i really want all the free music! thanx a lot!!! ,<3 re-mix




  1. it should work but you never know

  2. There is a very good chance that limewire will give your computer a virus.  It does not happen to everyone, but more times than not it will s***w up your computer.  Limewire ruined my whole harddrive and I lost all my information.  

    I would advise against using Limewire.  Instead you should get an unlimited music service, such as napster.

  3. limewire is good...although you need to be really careful while downloading stuff.there ARE Trojans lurking almost everywhere.however if you use a good AV there should be no problem.

  4. i think limewire is pretty safe because i see my cousins on it all the time and they never got any viruses....

  5. Good ol limewire. I had limewire for about an hour. Not only did it crash my computer and take my credit card info off my hard drive but they also put my bank account $15,000 in the hole. I had to format my hard drive and reinstall Windows. Every thing I had on there was deleted.

    That set me back 3 years in finances.

    Not only will you git viruses but you will get spyware and grayware. Make sure you use a really good Anti virus software, I suggest  Norton 360.

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