
Limewire not not connected to network??

by  |  earlier

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lately there isnt enough service for my limewire to search for the songs i want....i tried restarting the computer




  1. Since you did not supply enough information based on your system, I will make the following recommendations.

    (1) Disable all other programs you may have that are using the internet when you are using Limewire.

    (2) Update your Java Runtime Environment. Instructions for doing this can be found at the Sun Microsystems Website.

    (3) If you are using a wireless network such as Clearwire or Sprint, you may want to move the network modem to a different location as certain 'hot spots' for wireless networks can become clustered.

    (4) Overall, I would recommend FrostWire instead of LimeWire because FrostWire is pretty much the same thing, only it'll give you way faster downloads.

    Hope this helps and wish you the best of luck :)

  2. Go to the advanced tab under options and manually set both incoming ports to 2600.

    Now, download peer guardian 2 from phoenix labs and install.

    Let it update.

    Make sure you block everything except HTTP.

    Make sure you always allow that.

    Once peer guardian is running turn off the windows firewall.

    You should be good to go.

  3. Your firewall maybe set too high. You need to check and see if the security setting has been bumped up blocking Limewire. Also, if you can tell the firewall to allow Limewire, do that. That way it knows you want that program to connect to the internet without problems.

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