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Hi, I'm just wondering what life is like in the Lincolnshire area in England? I'm just about to move there from Italy, and want to know what to expect. I have lived in the UK before, but in Scotland, Edinburgh. Is it really different? What's the cost of living like? I'm gonna be earning £22,000 is that enough for that area? Things to do, places to go... I will have a car, so anything in the area is reachable. Thanks!




  1. look on

    That website is normally pretty accurate.

    Scunthorpe was also voted the most boring place in England but that was just because it has the emptiest ordinance survey square... I hope!

  2. Good luck!  We moved from Essex to Lincolnshire (Lincoln to be precise) in 2003, but didn't like it so moved back to Essex in 2006.  

    Our dislike of the place stems from the unfriendly people we encountered, all seemingly hated us because we were "Southerners". My son was bullied relentlessly by older youths, he was 9 getting attacked by 15 year olds.  My husband was treated as an outcast at work, it was an awful time.

    We lived in the "nice" part of Lincoln, so I dread to think what it would have been like in the not so nice parts.

    But then again, that is just my experience.  I know of other people who have moved there and they tell a different story to me, they like living there, so I suppose it all depends on the idividual (and your neighbours!)

  3. you'll be a millionaire in lincoln on £22k.

    if you like quite, no hills, no noise, tractors, fields.. more fields, nice beaches (but with chavs) and a low cost of living, lincolnshire is fine.

    lincoln city is pretty, the coast is nice with wildlife etc, and their are a few towns spread across that are good for art etc.

    it's a bit dull, but ok


  4. Hi - £22k is above average for the area, and house prices/rental are reasonable. I live in Spalding in South Lincolnshire which is a great town with loads of pubs and friendly people.

    I can understand what the other respondent wrote about people in Lincoln "hating southerners" and suspect that if you move to the area you simply need to take some time to meet the right people.

    Avoid Boston. Otherwise it is a large, pleasant uncongested county.

    Visit (or live in) Stamford - its stunning.

  5. Hi hun!

    i live in Lincolnshire in a place called Crowland!

    You may find Lincolnshire a bit rural because there lots of farm land here but theres still places to go but you may have to travel. The closest cinema to me is only 30 mins away, same as with shopping centres as an example as to what to do there is to do here and the distance of travel but most decent places to go are usual only an hour or so of travel away such as lincoln, and leicester.

    As to the cost of liveing, house prices had been riseing dramaticaly untill the recent credit cruch so are now coming down to a reasonable level so you can get a 3 bedroom house for about 175,000 which is much lower then it used to be and as for the price of say general living costs such as food the price has gone up but this is due to the credit crunch as i have said before.

    I hope this helped hun if you need anymore information just give me a shout!

  6. Whereabouts on Lincolnshire - it is a big county.

    I live just outside the Lincolnshire border in Peterborough - Lincolnshire stretches a long way up the country to the border of Yorkshire at the top and Nottinghamshire to the left and a little lower down you have a border with Leicestershire.

    ADDED - SCUNTHORPE - OH! poor you - what a dump -an awful place - sorry to shatter your illusion but SCUNTHORPE - Oh dear oh dear oh dear - dirty little town - horrible - I feel sorry for you - I really do

  7. Nothing wrong with Lincolnshire, we live in Greater Manchester and are hoping to move to Lincolnshire soon. Property prices are much lower than in many other areas It is a lovely place  Also the population is less so the services are better, though you may have to travel to doctors, etc.


    Scunthorpe is OK too.  Good for shopping, tidy streets and roads.  Not far from the coast and lovely villages everywhere.

    Many places in Lincolnshire have a community atmosphere and the people are really friendly.  The villages have a lovely rural appearance, with facilities such as public transport available albeit in a limited way.

    I have visited Edinburgh frequently too, my son was at University of Edinburgh.  There is not much similarity between there and Scunthorpe, in fact they are very different, but don't let that put you off.

  8. £22,000 is a good wage for Lincolnshire, housing is reasonable in cost, there are very few large towns. Lincoln is the historic capital of the county and a good place for shopping. It also has the university and a good night life. The uphill area of Lincoln has the Cathedral quarter and castle and the best restaurants. It has reasonably good transport links  to London and not to far from East Midlands airport....

    Whatever you do do not go to Boston it`s the worst place in Lincolnshire to live....
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