
Little S Hackamore?

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Can you tell me more about the little S hackamore? How is it with whoa, rate, flex and lift????




  1. I have not heard of that brand.  I have used hackamores, and they seem to work well for the horses Ive tried them on.  Not all will respond the same so try it out in a confined area, so your horse can get away if it doesnt want to respect it.  like I said, my mare was great in one since she didn't like bits, but I would never try one on my gelding.

  2. I believe this covers all of the whoa, rate, lift, and flex. I have seen it used and I really like it. I actually almost bought one myself.,237_Little-S-H...

  3. This hackamore doesn't have very long shanks, so the whoa factor isn't way up there.  It is a very good lifting and flexing choice, and offers horses that are light on your hands a nice ride.  I know several people that trail ride in it and a few that barrel race with it.  It seems to be a very nice medium hackamore.

  4. This little bit is a powerhouse! It does not have a lot of whoa but it works well on horses that have a lot of natural rate. Has a good deal of lift and a lot of flex.Barrel racers use this bit A LOT. It is a good bit for slow work and training.

  5. I LOVE this hack!! i use it on my Arab that i use for contesting and drill team and i think it is absolutely amazing. it is great for strong-running horses and also for those who just need light control. a tight curb chain adds rate and stop and a loose chain adds lift and flex. it has a lot of WHOA when you want it, but completely releases all pressure when you release. for rate, it is pretty good as well; it is awesome for stride control, like if you want to shorten the stride without slowing down. you can also use it for a lot of lift, it adds elevation to the stride with the right training. its only slight downfall is the flex. it is fine for normal horses but for horses that are hard to turn and hard-running, the tight curb needed for stop would prevent a lot of flex. but dont get me wrong, this hack is amazing! i use it on all three of my horses and they all love it. it really is an all-horse hack!
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