
Live Search Club?

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What happen to Live Search Club? Did they close it?




  1. It works in Safari, but I can't open Live Search Club in IE anymore, which is what I use.

    I really hope they didn't close it. I was saving up my points.

  2. I was able to access the Live Search Club site fine last week, but after that I started having problems. At first I thought it was just a server overload, but eventually I couldn't access the site at all. I tried four different browsers -- IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera -- none of which worked. I got error messages such as "cannot find page" or "too many redirects." I was reading some posts and one person mentioned that deleting your cookies will solve the problem. Since I was having problems with all the browsers I used, this seemed to make sense; however, I wasn't willing to delete all of my cookies because I didn't want to have problems with other sites. So I figured I would try to find the related cookies and delete them. From IE, I went to "Internet options" and under "Browsing History" I clicked on "Settings" and then "View Files". I sorted the files by name so all of the cookies were together. I picked out 4 or 5 cookies that I thought might be related to the site, such as anything with MSN or Club Live and deleted them. It worked! I know it's not the greatest solution, but it will get you up and running again and hopefully MS will correct the problem soon. I cannot believe they promote the site and then it doesn't work ... oh, wait, it IS Microsoft -- yep, I can believe it!
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