
Live life once?

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if people say you only live life once so live it good! wat is that supposed to mean do the things that u want to do like tell ur crush u like him or be who u want to be? i dont understand




  1. just live life to the best

  2. You have a point.People just don't understand until they reach their time.

  3. Firstly, it is a general assumption deriving from certain religious beliefs that there is no life after death. If you accept that this is true, then it follows that because you don't know if you'll be alive tomorrow it makes sense to make every day count for something. Precisely how you do this is another matter. In your case, what's the harm in telling a guy that you like him. He may like you too and be grateful for the fact that you came out with your feelings. But be prepared for disappointment if it doesn't work out for you. It wouldn't be sensible to go beyond the limits with which you are comfortable, so don't let yourself be exploited or succumb to peer pressure to do something that you know isn't sensible - if you only live for today, you might not be here to enjoy tomorrow and that could really upset people who love you.  I reckon a good way to be is to think of others before you think of yourself - you won't believe how good that will make you feel till you try it.  The other thing I'd suggest to you is to have a goal. Lot's of people drift aimlessly through life and don't really make the most of what life can offer because they don't have goals. Goals aren't the same as ambitions. Goals are things you want to achieve and can be seen in terms of personal growth and maturity as well as in career progression. Having a goal means that you will search out the means to fulfill it. It will give your life a focus and a purpose and you will be richer for both.

  4. It pretty much means that since you only have one chance at life, you should do your best. Have fun, don't waste time and health on things that are unimportant. Be thankful for the good things that you do have. Work hard at achieving your goals, whether they be career or personal relationship related. Don't  waste your life on things that are unimportant. And don't self medicate your years away, cuz then you won't accomplish happiness. Do the things that make you feel like a confident, accomplishing, strong human being. Real happiness doesn't require drugs and alcohol. In fact, the substances get in the way of people dealing with the issues that are holding them back from happiness. Do what makes you feel good about yourself. Also, others will like you more, if you truly like yourself.
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