
Living costs in Switzerland?

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Are $3000 US dollars a month enough to live comfortly in Zurich, Switzerland? I'm considering taking a traineeship there. How much can you buy with it? What are the average costs of food, transportation, housing, leisure, etc??




  1. Yes, I live in switzerland, and that should be enough. Just keep in mind that switzerland is expensive.

  2. $3000 US dollars are enough for a single to live comfortly in Zurich.  This would be the salary of a junior clerk or a shop assistant. Many trainees and students manage to live with  less money.

  3. Hi there,

    as already mentioned by all others, Switzerland is pretty expensive, but you should be able to live well.

    The biggest problem you are facing at the moment is that the USD is pretty weak. I think the current exchangerate is around USD 1.25 to CHF 1, so you would have CHF 3'750 per month. (BTW Question: Do you have $3000 before or after taxes?)

    Here some hints and tips.

    First of all, housing will take most of your pay, so check out if you can share an appartment with someone. But as Zurich is a student town, this is hard to get and might cost you between CHF 500 and CHF 800. If you want a place of your own, expect to pay between CHF 1200 and 1700, depending on the are and place.

    Public transport is very well developed and affordable here. Depending on your duration of stay, considder getting a "Halbtaxabo" for one year, which will give you the right to purchsase train and bus tickets at half price. This one should cost you only around CHF 150 for the full year.

    Cost of food is pretty high, but so is also quality. You might want to cut down on going out for dinners (pretty expensive for the value) and entertain at home. Please be aware meat is very expensive here.

    But taking all the above, Switzerland is a fun place to be and live. It is in central Europe so you can easily travel to other countries during weekends. So come and enjoy.

    Oh, one more hint for you, if possible ask your employer to find and/or sponsor your appartment. That will keep some pressure from you when moving and gives you a secure place to stay.


  4. Yes if you live frugally. Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries in Europe. This is borne out by a survey undertaken by Eurostat, the European statistical office, in spring 2001 in 31 countries of the "old continent", Europe. For example, to fill the same shopping basket, a Swiss household pays 26% more than a French household and 63% more than a Spanish household. These high prices for consumer goods are partly due to the relatively high level of salaries in Switzerland. The experts hope, however, that the bilateral agreements entered into by Switzerland and the EU will mean that these prices may start to fall.

  5. I guess that amount will be sufficient. However, you can leave out the word "comfortly". Switzerland is an expensive country, and the present fall of the us dollar against Euro, Swiss Franc etc depreciates your buying power.

    On the plus side, Switzerland is very beautiful and a very safe place.

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