
Lizard help?

by  |  earlier

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i found a very small green anole in my house and it looked very skinny so i figured id try to feed it and eventually let it go. its only about 1.5 to 2 inches long with its tail and i have it in a 7 gallon tank with a heat lamp and uvb and alot of places to hide i think it ate a small cricket today but i only think this because i cant find the cricket. is it normal for him to sleep in one spot for long periods of time and is it normal to see its ribs when they are this small?




  1. It's not going to be possible to 'guess-ti-mate' his heat and humidity requirements, especially in a 7 gal. tank.   It would be very difficult to provide the light he needs without cooking him accidently.

    You have found a hatching.  He knows what he needs to do... he's just in the wrong place to do it.  I would suggest releasing the baby into a well foliaged area near your home.

    If he's remaining for long periods in a single area, I would suggest its the coolest place in the tank, and he's in stress.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  2. Anoles can be difficult to keep in captivity.  It is impossible to properly heat a 7 gallon need higher temps on one side and cool temps on the other...difficult in anything less than a 20 gallon.  He needs humidity, basking heat lamp, UVB reptile light within 12 inches, and pinhead crickets--as many as he can eat each day.  Also a small bowl of water.  Here is a good care sheet on anoles:
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