
Lizard shedding proublems need help?

by Guest65582  |  earlier

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ok my iguana has been shedding for days and days and the skin is not falling off i got him from a previouse owner and its toes are black it has black spotts on him what is there that i can do to help him he can barelly move




  1. Try misting him regularly.. maybe that will help.

    I hope he's okay, and everything goes good for you!!

  2. It sounds like it could possibly be fungus or bacterial infection. A herp/reptile vet would have to determine that or not. When my girl lived in her tank years ago, she did get a bacterial infection, which I thought was a long shed, but never shedded. I had to give her liquid medication daily for a few days, and it was gone.

    Try some mineral oil, after bath time just put some on the area, see if it helps.

    W/ black spots it does lean me towards stress, heating problem or fungus/bacterial.

    I would go to a herp/reptile vet, just in case it could be fungus/bacterial problem, could get the medication and get it started. If it's something else like just a bad shed at least it will be an ease of mind type of thing. But again w/ the black spots it's leading me to one of the 3 I listed above. I am not a vet, so I can't give medical advise.

    W/ you saying he can barely move, that to me would be a sign VET NOW type of thing. There has to be something going on, maybe he broke a bone, could be start of MBD, so many possible IF's, so best to see a vet to know for sure what it could possibly be.

    If you don't have a vet, hopefully one of these sites will have a vet near you ... I drive 4 hours to my iguanas vet, and have a vet 1 hour away for those "emergency" type of things:

    Sites for you to read: - -

    A great book to read and have on hand:

    Iguanas for Dummies by Melissa Kaplan

    Yahoo has some great sites for Iguana owners... these groups helped me and still help w/ questions .. if you'd like to join: -

    * hopefully it's not tooooo serious when you do go to the vet *

  3. Try putting him in a warm bath for a while, that will loosen the skin, and make it softer so it will come off better

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