
Lol! my hamster HAMMY????

by  |  earlier

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isn't he the cutest hamster ever???? XD

he is a year old, syrian hamster! :)







  1. Yo!  you cant see the pictures dog!!

    to get pictures on here all you do is:

    1~ click on the picture in full size image

    2~ right click the photo and there will be a little box that has a lot of tabs on it

    3~ go all the way to the bottem that says properties, click on it

    4~ copy the link it gives you there and ONLY THERE!!

    next time try this...  can i still see the photos? send them to me on email!!


  2. I cant see them... But im going to imagine him..... if he looks like im imaginging HE IS SOOO CUTE!!!!!!

  3. You can't get into the links to see him...

    I am guessing they are supposed to be links to pictures?

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