
Long Hair + Education?

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Does long hair have anything to do with or decreases concentration in study? EDUCATIONAL. any good informational websites...




  1. no more than having a mole on your nose

  2. I've got hair in my face, and during tests i can concentrate better, but studying it's distracting

    never thought about it though...

  3. Well if you are going off of statics then proble, but the human body defies statics, i have long hair and I'm a very bright student. But i guess most people with long hair usually just don't care

  4. I don't hair has anything to do with concentration in study, but it may be an indicator of nutritional health with has a lot to do with concentration and ability to study and retain information.  Make sure you follow a good nutritional program so that you can study and retain information, and the hair may be a nice little side perk.

  5. It shouldn't make any effect. What does is teachers who find boys with long hair "a problem" kind of like a rebellion. It becomes a problem when teachers make it theirs to try to make you cut it. I understand their point though. My stepfather has hair down to his backside and I think it looks cool but in a society like we live in it can cause a problem when trying to find a good job, it is seen as scruffy. It is wrong but school is there to prepare you for the real world, a cruel one that makes you conform in order to acheive good pay and a life to follow. I don't see it being a problem if its neat though but when I was at school many boys got excluded for not conforming. I see it if girls can have long hair, so can men.
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