
Long distance running question?

by Guest45110  |  earlier

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what is the best way to run long distances? keeping an even steady pace, starting at a faster pace n slowing down as u tire, or starting at a slower pace and speed up as u progress? thanks for the input




  1. Are you racing or just running long distance?

    The best way to run is to have an even pace for the entire race or run.

    If you are not familiar with your ability at the distance then you might be conservative in the beginning and pick up the pace if you are feeling good later on.

    Sometimes in a race if you are not familiar with the other runners and can not get ahead by pushing the pace then you are better off sitting on their shoulders until late in the race when everyone begins to race hard.

    If you are just exercising then run a comfortable pace, slow enough so you can talk and try to relax.

  2. at school, we are told to stay at a slow steady pace. However, i find that when nearing the end,(50-100 meters), if your run really fast, your legs feel like jelly and you get a sudden burst of energy (personally not sure about others)

    But make sure to do a cool down and NEVER cross your legs when you finish. Hope this helps

  3. The best for me is to start slow then towards the end, speed up and give it your all for the last 25-50m.

  4. You could say keeping an even steady pace, but is easier said than done.  I think starting out at a slower pace and speeding up is the best.  I witnessed one kid at our conference meet start out in 15th place out of 16 people for 2 laps, but then on the 3rd lap he really started to accelerate and by the end of the 3rd lap he caught the 1st place guy and by the end he won by 7 seconds.  I have some success doing that to; started out in last place in 2 mile (everyone always starts out way too fast) and I accelerated and finished in 4th

    I may have been able to grab 1st or 2nd as well, but I was just content with breaking 11 minutes by a bunch.

  5. keeping a steady pace seems the best way to go, for me, but then i also speed up at the end just to get all my extra energy out. Me personally, if i started out really fast i wouldn't be able to go very far because i would be too tired... I guess i would just run at a comfortable pace and with practise you will be able to go even faster for the same amount of time :)

    GoPensGo !

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