
Longest child brith?

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what the longest labor




  1. 27 hours with my first!

  2. Don't know for certain. My grandmother was in labor for 3 days.  There was a black woman who gave birth to triplets, at home,  over the course of 11 days back in the 60s. All the babies are now adults.  I don't have the link any more or I would include it.

  3. I'm blessed to have very short labors, but I knew someone that went 32 hours...Wow!

  4. Yikes! My mom was  lucky with me... one hour!! From the time she entered the hospital to me! My siblings were way worse though.. my little brother broke her tailbone... ouch!

  5. My water broke early at 34 weeks.  I was hospitalized on a Monday for 8 days.  It "sealed" itself back up, I went home for 6 days, and was back in the hospital on a Saturday night because of contractions.  (36 weeks).  I gave birth on Tuesday afternoon.

    So...2 weeks and 1 day.

    Hah!  Beat you ALL!    :)

  6. 3 joke.  I was induced with pitocin which brings hard contractions immediately about 2 mintues apart.  It took from Monday 9am to Wednesday 3:30am before my water broke and then the contractons were 1 minute apart.  Had epidural finally (was not in a delivery room at first so couldn't get one) on Wednesday at 4pm, pushed from 10pm until Thursday 1am and finally had a c-section.  

    No labor next time...elective c-section all the way!!

  7. 4 days
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