
Looking at website at work?

by  |  earlier

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If I look at websites at work which aren't work related, can the company I work for tell?

(I don't mean if the boss sits next to me, obviously they'd be able to tell, I mean can they check using another computer or something?)

Also how would I know if they were doing this?




  1. Yes, everything you do on that computer leaves a footprint. And no there is no way you can tell.

    Don't do it.

  2. Yeah, they make program for logging employer web surfing history. If it was installed, your boss could monitor your web history from any computer he sets it up on. Some Spyware removers will let you know if there are any programs like that running on your computer.  

  3. Most large company's would have software that tracked which websites their staff use. For example, they need to protect themselves against a staff member accessing illegal sites.

    Your employer should have a written policy about the use of the internet for personal purposes. If you breach this policy then you may be liable to being disciplined.

  4. I know at my work place they can monitor internet use .

    They can also access our computers remotely if required but I've never known them to access it without our knowledge.

    I've only every know of one person to have their access monitor but that was for a reason.

    You should have anything to worry about so long as you are getting your work out and your not abusing the system  

  5. Yes. companies have the legal right to monitor the use of their computers.  And most do .

  6. yeah they have a program that lets your supervisor know what sites your visiting,  I was actually aquised of playing games online cause my boss saw that I went to  which is a site about videogames  not a game playing site.

    but  just remember don't make it look like you have too much time on your hand,  nothing wrong with paying your bills online  and checking up on stuff.

  7. If the company have a few computers about the place, then you will have  a network admin who can tell, where and when and the user from your login id and his logs from the server.  If you have a small office network you will still have traffic logs on your firewall software, if these are checked then you are huckled.  It depends on how stringent your employer is, why not wait till you get home if you worry about it so much?

  8. Yes, there are two ways that they can tell:

    - If you're on a corporate network, they can check from the server what sites you've been accessing

    - Otherwise if they take your machine off you, they can obviously check the history of the sites that you've been to

    If they do it the first way, you wouldn't know if they were doing it.  If they did it the second way then you'd know if you'd been asked for access to your computer - unless they could do it after hours without you knowing.

    But the question is, why would they bother to look?  So chances are you're safe.  Unless you're not getting any work done so they wonder exactly what you are doing.

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