
Looking for ideas please?

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I'm an adoptee and I'm interested in learning new ways to get more involved in adoptee's rights. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you.




  1. Gershom summed it up!  b*****d Nation is a great place to learn and to get into activism.  If you join, you will want to get on their BEST mailing list, so you can participate in discussions about attaining adoptee rights and about current legislation.  

    I just want to add that the discrimination is toward adopted persons.  Persons who are relinquished, but not adopted, do not receive the same unequal treatment under the law that persons who are adopted receive in terms of the factual records of their own births being conditionally denied them in 44 states.  People are are relinquished but not adopted have full, unconditional access to their birth records just like non-adopted persons.  Although I'm sure most of us involved in adoptee rights know this, it is an area of confusion for many.

  2. Urm!  How could I possibly follow that answer?!

    I also wish there were more informed and motivated adoptive parents supporting the reinstating of adoptee rights so that we finally have rights equal to non-adopted citizens.

    We should not be stigmatized, dehumanized and treated as second class citizens simply because of our adoptee status.  Huge sigh.

  3. Yep they said it all.  You can also write your legislators in your state to ask for open records.

  4. everything that gershom said...

  5. YAY! congratualtions on taking action against the discrimination being done to you just because you are adopted! Way to take the first step in making the future for you and other adoptees BETTER!

    First and foremost, come on over to New Orleans this July 22, 2008 and be a part of the largest demonstration of Adoptee Rights Activism our nation has ever seen!! Hundreds of us will be protesting our sealed records at the Annual State Legislators convention since they are the people who have the power to unseal our records! to learn more about it or sign up for free go to

    b*****d Nation is the nations largest adoptee rights activist group. They are awesome. Their email list is full of people who have been involved in Adoptee Rights Activism for years. The knowledge and experience on their mailing list is worth the $20 membership fee alone! get involved and become a member here: http://www.b******

    Get involved in one of the many states right now planing on taking on their legislation to open up records. Illinois just annouced their new open records campaign today actually. find out if your state has one by coming over to we seem to keep a good tally of whats going on with adoptee there!

    Write letters to your state legislators, let them know how you feel about sealed records, and the discrimination and impact of falsified birth certificates has on YOUR life. to find out all of your legislatures addresses, phone numbers and email addresses go to and type in your zip code, up will come all of your legislators and their contact information.

    Start a blog, speak out about the impact adoption has had on your life. Speak  your truth and don't let anyone silence you, your truth is yours, own it, speak it, claim it, free it.

    Unite with other like minded adoptees to find support, validation and unity. Through that, change happens in a great way for the movement and there is nothing like finding encouraagement and vaidation from others to achieve growth and healing in adoptee rights. To find some wonderful adoptees I'm happy to call my friends visit

    and keep speaking out!! rock on for taking a stand in the Adoptee Rights Movement!

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