
Looking for stories about teenager mothers?

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Please leave your stories, and experiences. I want detail :].

With the father now? Married? How long were you together when you got preggo? Keep the baby? Hows the baby now? What did the parents say? Did you tell them alone or with your bf?




  1. im 19 n 9 1/2 months pregnant. ive been wit my babys dad since i was 14. neither one has any interest in gettin married, we feel its better that way cause u never know wat the future brings n we wouldnt want to have a big custody battle at court. anyway, my parents never got married n have been happily together for 26+ years:) well to say the truth, my parents never thought my bf was good enough for me n they never knew i was wit him until i got pregnant. wen i was 16 they moved me n my brothers to a different state but as soon as i had a chance, shortly after i turned 17, i caught the greyhound bus back to him n have been living wit him ever since. the day i called my parents to let them know, they were shocked to say the least. they thought i had been livin wit a friend the whole time. wen they knew who the daddy was they were upset but once they spoke n got everything straightened up things got alot better. now we r livin at my parents place n everyones happy waiting the arrival of Abigail!!!

  2. I was only 17 when I got pregnant with my son. The dad and I had only been together for three months. We stayed together for about year. Then when the baby was 4 months old I left him. He wasn't ready to grow up yet. I raised my son on my own (with help from friends and family of course). Keep my son of course. and now he is going to be 7 years old in December and In first grade in school. Best thing I ever did was keep my baby and leave his immature dad. Good luck!!

  3. oh man here we go. lol

    I was 16 when i got pregnant. I was in my senior year since i had skipped a grade so i was able to finish school before the baby was born. I was already living with my boyfriend (22) when we found out. We thought i had the flu but it never went away! lol. My bf went with me to tell my mom and she was okay with it since we had been together for a while and since he had a job and i was about done with school. We waited until i was 3 months along to tell his parents. They FREAKED out. They were upset because of my age but they got over it. When i went for my 20 week ultrasound they told me that it was a boy and that he had a heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is when a baby is born with half a heart. The left side didnt form. I was switched to a high risk pregnancy doctor and they induced my labor 2 weeks early so we could deliver next to the childrens hospital that was an hour away from our house. Our son was born * i had turned 17 by then* and he had his first open heart surgery at 7 days old, his second when he was 9 months old and his 3rd at 14 months old. His father and I are married now and have been together for 4 years. Our son is doing well now, he turned 2 last sunday. I am a stay at home mom because he cant go to day care due to the risk of infection. I am pregnant with baby number 2 at the moment and this baby seems to be healthy so far. We are hoping for a girl.

    Its been hard but totally worth it.

  4. Hi well iam a teen mother to be, i will be 34weeks tomarrow! Turning 19 couple days before he is due! Me and the boyfriend have been togeather for 3years and talking about marriage next year, eeryone is preasuring us to get married now but i dont see why we have to right now just becasue we have a baby, so i wanna  do iit on our time. I told my mom in a letter i was terrified so i wrote a letter to her and left it on the table overnight for her to read it when she woke up! Thank god she has been suportive and there!

  5. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years now, were madly in love, but fight alot.  This time last year something terrible happened and it made us want a baby badly.  In April/May we found out I was pregnant because I hadn't had my period and at that time we had been together for a year and eight months, we asked our parents if we could get married and unfortunately they said "no".  We are keeping the baby and he's taking his daddy's name, and he'll be the 4th, we're very excited, but very stressed also, thing is he isn't fully matured yet so we run into all these problems, but yet we always get over them and get through it and love eachother despite things. I told my mom alone and she took it well, shes very excited now buying all this cute pooh baby stuff.  I had to write a note to my dad telling him that I was sorry, but I am keeping the baby and staying with my boyfriend because I do love him and care about him deeply, and I told my dad that I knew he was disappointed and that he had high goals for me, but I would still meet those goals.  He's very quiet so he didn't say anything to me, I think now though he's gettin a little excited cause he knows he's gonna have a little one to play with and he's going to stop smoking, but yeah he wanted to choke my bf at first. Now me and my bf are feuding and haven't talked for several days, but my baby shower is coming up so I figure he'll either come over or try to talk to me soon.  Due in Dec=)

  6. I was 18 pregnant 19 when i had my son.when I told my parents my mom didn't believe me and my dad called me a fool.I was with his dad for three years before he was born.When he was born he needed open heart surgery at 2 weeks for a coarctation of the aorta.The aorta was narrowed.Then at three months he stopped breathing at home found out he had a hole in his diaphragm.Needed surgery again than at 6 and 9 months he needed surgery also for a tongue tie and condescended t******e.his 2 and a half and a monster now and bigger than most kids.Still with his dad 7 years and 22 weeks pregnant with a girl.  

  7. both my mom and sister were teen moms !  my mom was 15 when she got pregnant my dad had 2 get married to her they have been married 30 miserable years and there was cheating  it was bad .. they are married and only see  a few dayt a week bc they work in diff states but my mom will never leave bc she is to dependent  and my dad would leave bc there is too much to loose and also he wants 2 be the one that family stayed together. as for my sister she is also with  the father and  they been 2gether 15 years with a break up in between  they are now married with 2 kids  

  8. dont ask me... im not a teen yet O_o

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