
Loose tooth very painful..... Any suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well i went to see my ortho on Wednesday... he said that I had to lose 2 more teeth b4 i get braces... well one of those teeth was already loose, so i have been wiggling it around and stuff. well now that tooth in raised up a little and whenever i chew my teeth just pound on it. Its soooo painful. my tooth and jaw is in intense pain everytime it moves. What should i do?




  1. Please go see a dentist.  They can find the problem and they can solve it.  It's better to do this just in case if it's a serious problem and you don't want it to get worse.

  2. If it's a baby tooth, it probably just needs to be removed.  You can either go to the dentist to have it removed, or you can try and wiggle it out yourself.

    If you want to try get it out yourself, put pressure on it one way until it hurts slightly and hold it there for a few seconds.  Then put pressure on it the opposite way until it starts to hurt, and hold it there for a few seconds.  If you do that repeatedly, it will come out soon enough and you'll be able to chew again.

    If you don't want to do that, you can have your parent or sibling do it for you.

    Or you can just go to the dentist and they can remove it.

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