
Lorraine, angel or cherubim?

by  |  earlier

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With tenderness did I first hold you in my arms, my first-born babe, my daughter whose life would entwine itself with mine. For we did by blood, inherit the love of England's fields and the beauty of her creatures. All that did run and creep and fly did by gift belong to us.

Oh, thou of beauty fair, whose tresses of golden sunlight did garland thy face in framed affection to others envy. In childish glee did thou set thy path to follow that of thy father, who in joy did find happiness in the company of thine innocence. And in that innocence was wisdom.

We two, with delight in our hearts did seek that in natures bounteous beauty, freely given, and eagerly sought, all that was minute to others eyes. Thus in perfect relationship did thou impart unto I and I likewise unto thee a bond of indissoluble companionship.





  1. Love letter, comes softly. kudos

  2. May I adopt you, please?  I've often wondered what it would be to have a father who valued a daughter...and now I know.  Thank you.

  3. Beautiful.  You have an old soul, the bard's soul.  My compliments.

  4. I repeat, you should have been born in Shakespeare's time. You would have been famous down through the millennia. It is a pity that such brilliance is appreciated by so few people in this age of instant communication and text messaging.

  5. This is very beautiful. The unbreakable bond of parent and child, no matter how old they get.

    I also agree with neonman. Your writings seem to come from an ancient time.

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