
Los Angeles crime ?

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Hey. I was just wondering how bad the crime rate is there. I could like to compare it to Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland has around 1.3 million people. So far this year, it's had 15 murders.

Los Angeles has had 471 so far this year. I was just wondering if L.A would be worse than Auckland. It looks like it, but how many people are in L.A?

Do you feel safe living in L.A?

Thanks in advance :)




  1. go to this website

  2. People have to fight back

  3. regardless of what others say here, gangs rule the city  and the politicians don't do anything.  they pass laws forbidding plastic shopping bags and using cell phones while driving. Slow to crack down on illegal alien gangsters, raising the property taxes, sales tax, but don't do anything when it comes to gangs or Illegal aliens.  

  4. It's actually calmer now than it was 2-3 years ago.

    All the crime is usually at Bellflower, Compton, Lincoln Heights, Inglewood, parts of Long Beach, etc.

    City of Los Angeles is almost 4 million.

    The county is probably 10 million.

    The amounts of cars in L.A. county is A LOT (3X more than people i believe)!!

  5. its all senseless crimes

  6. not in the hood but the upscale places yes

  7. Los Angeles is most certainly a more dynamic and volatile metropolitan area than Auckland, with the likelihood of much more prevalent crime.

    The city of Los Angeles is home to 3.7 million people.  But the city is surrounded by many other incorporated cities which, themselves, are relatively populous.

    All told, the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area has something on the order of 15 million people, situated in an area of 1,250 square miles.  This place is sprawling.

    Any sprawling metro area like Los Angeles will have many large areas of crime, and depressed living conditions.

    On the other hand, this large metro area also has hundreds of square miles of beautiful, scenic, peaceful and safe communities to live in and raise a family.

    Personally, I live in West Los Angeles, just four miles from the mighty Pacific Ocean, and just east of an incorporated city called Santa Monica.

    I feel extremely safe in this area.  I have lived in West L.A. for seven years, now, and has never witnessed a crime of any sort.  I often take long walks in the late evening with absolutely zero trepidation.

    The crime "problem" in Los Angeles gets an over-kill treatment from news medias.  It's sensational.  It sells papers and TV time.

    Now, don't assume I'm downplaying the crime issue.  It is a significant problem, especially in certain communities, and it needs addressing.

    The significant crime in L.A. is mainly limited to particular areas...areas which are, by-and-large, avoided by the majority of successful, decent, hard-working people.

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