
Losing Virgility help me?

by  |  earlier

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Ok guys basicly i need some help and confidence... im going to have s*x for first time with no1 special just some girl whos done it 5 times + and shes kind of kind and its just gonna be a 1 night thing i need confidence with size im 4 inches and idk if she will be sastisfied with that in 4 inches in girth im 15 shes 16 and i dont know how to start it off i, i have no problems with girls i know how to get chicks its just confidence i dont wanna pull it out all proud and stuff that just be bigheaded what if she laughs if your a girl what would you say...

Please no stupid questions please help me i am going to use a CONDOM DONT WORRY.. should i go through with it!?





    u do know it only take 2inches so ur good =D it will satisfy her....

    if she lafs just like tell her that her **** r sagy or her C**t looks like a d**k..

    but ull b safe dude.... GOOD LUCK

  2. You sound unsure.  In that case, don't do it.

  3. Don't go through with it. The fact that you're asking this question means you aren't ready. These things should be done with someone special. Ever heard of something call morals?

    Plus, condoms aren't 100% safe.

  4. i did that before.... i regret it cause it was with the wrong person  

  5. You should NOT do it i mean it is a BAD idea. Lets go threw the the list of problems. You are 15 to start with asking a question like this on yahoo answers you are obviously not ready. And have you thought about the failure rate in condoms they are NOT 100% safe. How are you going to take care of a kid when you are a kid yourself. I hope you don't plan on collage or getting a job that pays a lot of money, much less graduating high school if you got to take care of the kid. Think about it this could be an 18 year mistake for you. Now assuming that you get lucky and the condom does it's job then what about STD's condom DON'T protect from all STD's. They DON'T protect you from most STD's. So is that your goal in life have a kid when you are no more than a kid yourself or get an STD. Those sound like poor goals. You would be better off not doing it and waiting until it is with someone special at least if not until you are married when you can handle the idea of having a kid. Trust me it is not worth it.

  6. If U have 2 ask, U're not ready, so if I were U, I wouldn't.

    Why don't U wait until U're both sure & truss me, it will be a lot easier for the both of U.

  7. f**k her dawgg .. just sweet talk ya way into her pants

  8. I'm with the others. If you have to ask a question then you are not ready. Why are you doing this with someone who doesn't mean anything? It's your first time too, not smart. The **** probably has an STD too.  

  9. . . . You don't know if she's pregnant or not , do you?  She just might be looking for someone to pin the pregnancy on.  Did you think about that?  You're 15, you have a liftime ahead of you, don't mess it up now just because you lack confidence.  Use some Common Sense and Self-Control.

    All the Best.

  10. if you like her then yes if you doing just for a 1 night stand and it means nothing well you no my answer. she will not laugh at it dont worry your p***s size is average and yes just pull it out and be proud always  

  11. dont go though it if you think she will make fun of you! or just because its a shag..chances you will regret it.

    if however you are deciding to do dont by shy or dont be big headed just have confidence and give her something to talk about.

    but as 15 i wouldnt have a one night stand with someone you barely no..even condom can split, i dont know how many have split with me and bf. you could still get her pregnant and std's.

    i think you need to think very carefully and do the right thing


  12. Don't worry about the size. size shouldn't matter. you should only have s*x if you care about the person. that makes you a player. that's not the best thing to be. girls like player, women like responsible men. just worry about if it was good for you. you shouldn't sleep with someone who has a huge track record.  

  13. ...Well uh

    I wouldn't go through with it. It doesn't seem special, and you shouldn't be in a "OMG I NEED TO **** SOMEONE OTHERWISE I'M A LOSER" type of attitude :B

    But um, 4 inches boned? Lol just like my ex C:

    Starting off is the hardest part, just kiss her in the sensitive areas, neck shoulders, b*****s, maybe start off with touching, then move on to the real thang |D

  14. if you have to ask this question and have these worries you are too young to be having s*x.

  15. No i definitely think you shouldn't go through with it...Losing your virginity is something special even for a guy believe it or not. God made s*x as a bond among man and woman.. Once you have s*x you will feel kind of attached.. the best thing to do is wait. Me personally would wait till marriage that way if i get attached ill be with that person...

    I hope you make the right decision

  16. I don't think you should go through with it. You don't even love this girl and who knows what diseases she might have. A condom doesn't always work (it can break) and then you're screwed with a disease that you may not be able to get rid of. If you're gonna have s*x, it should be in marriage (a moral standing) and with someone that you are gonna spend the rest of your life with. Plus if the condom breaks and she gets pregnant, then what are you gonna do? There are too many risks involved and the main points are you don't love this girl nor are you married... s*x is a special thing between a husband and wife.

  17. wait for the right girl ... or any girl that isn't a complete **** .

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