
Losing your rights to a child...?

by  |  earlier

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I went to court in Feb. 2003 for my daughter and lost. I had a really bad attorney who had NEVER had a custody case and then everyone and I mean EVERYONE on the jury knew them and no one knew me at all. Is it too late to fight or can I go back to court and get her back or at least visitation??? I had a really bad past but have completely changed. I am married now and have 2 daughters, 3 and 2. I know that they have changed her name and I really don't think they have told her anything about me. She is now almost 9 and living with her father's parents. Her dad committed suicide in 2002. Do I just leave her alone and let her come find me or just contact her when she is 18, or can I still fight??? I was told that it was too late????




  1. You don't mention how you "lost".  Did you just not get custody or visitation or did you actually get your parental rights terminated?  If your rights were terminated, it's done.  If you just lost custody and visitation, get a new lawyer and go back to court.  I'm guessing since you haven't seen her in all this time and they have changed her name and she knows nothing about you that your rights were terminated.  I'm sorry.

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