
Lost my licence for 20 days!?

by Guest32205  |  earlier

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I'm the type of girl who's out partying every single night. Now I'm stuck at my HOUSE for 20 days... what would YOU do in those 20 days? (Keep in mind, this is for little to no budget haha)




  1. How does losing your license stop you from partying-surely you don't drive when you go out? Did you lose your license for drink-driving? You could have killed someone. Think about better ways to spend your time. You certainly don't need to drink every night- I don't.

  2. ask you friends for rides.

  3. Perhaps some daily meditation on your lifestyle is in order!  You've obviously lost your license to a DUI or alcohol related problem.....and you're probably very lucky that you didn't injureor kill someone in the process.  So, here you are, stuck at home with no money.....woe is me!  Take a good long look in the mirror, sweetie, and ask yourself who you really see looking back at you....

  4. I lost mine for 45, have friends take you out. Or home movies and stuff, don't drink and drive!

  5. wow arent you a selfish peace of work, you chose to act stupidly and now you have to pay the price and your being mardy because you can't drive TAKE A GODDAMN REALITY CHECK!

    think of all the people hit by drunk drivers who can no longer live by themselves etc...

    jeez i didn't think people were this selfish.

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