
Lost yahoo groups?

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I am a member of several yahoo groups, about 4 pages worth of them. I went to check some groups today, and suddenly I find I went from 4 pages to 2? How does that happen? Surely all those groups didn't go belly up?




  1. no it could mean if your not posting in the group as offen..the owner/mod could of remove you as they do house cleaning from time to time with out letting you know

  2. April Fool's Day was a big day for deletions. My Group got Yahooed too.

    Normally no biggie. Random deletions are just part of the Yahoo experience. I belong to 116 groups, have good relations with a number of collectors, Production Companies and Artists and I had most of the pix and clips saved on my own computer. I started a new group immediately.

    But, former members are reporting that they are getting the 9799 error message when they try to join the new group. I keep getting upload system errors and am having trouble restoring 50 pix a day. Considering that I have more than 1500 pix to upload, that's a bit of an annoyance.

    As to how it happens, Reporter Trolls are as common in Yahoo Groups as they are in Yahoo Answers and Yahoo doesn't care enough to check on their complaints.

    But, combined with all of the current service lapses, you have to wonder how deep in the Death Spiral Yahoo is. They need to adjust Executive Compensation and put the money back into staff and services if they want to regain viability.

    Edit: 310 new members already. Networking pays.

  3. I've been having the same issue. I went from 3 pages of groups to 7 total groups. So I searched for one of the missing groups and clicked on the link to go to its page. I got an error message that said Yahoo couldn't complete my request, but they were aware of the problem and working on it. I expect all the missing groups will reappear once they fix the problem.

  4. Mostly likely the owners cancel the groups, so yahoo takes them off your list.

  5. Yahoo is doing maintenance

    generally always glitches during it
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