
Lots of questions piled into one!!?

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Okay, im 5'4" and about 105 lbs and have been swimming for about a year now precompetitively but I love swimming about would really like to pick up my speed, endurance, and overall swim shape so i can move up to swimming competitively

1. What size suit should i be wearing during practices/races and does it matter too much?

2. what should i be eating before and after practice?

3. my team doesnt do much dryalnd together so what should i be doing on my own?

4. just for personal do you get the smell of chlorine off your skin and out of your hair?

5. any pointers for anything?




  1. 1. You swimsuit should be tight, but not uncomfortably tight. If it is too loose then it will balloon out when you swim or dive, decreasing your speed.

    2. You should eat small, healthy meal (such as meat) just before practice, but don't eat too much or you will feel sick and will not be able to swim fast.

    3. There are these long rubber tubes with handles which you can use to strenthen muscles, and running/jogging will also help. Preferably jogging as this will help you get strong and will not get tired so easily.

    4. For your skin, use body lotion and shower staight after practices. For hair use shampoo and conditioner, but not those shampoos which are also conditioners because they aren't so effective.

    5. ... what do you mean by pointers? Sorry I don't understand

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