
Lots of soy...ESTROGEN??

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I guess comsuming lots of soy affects your estrogen levals so if you are a girl how much soy do you have to consume to see a difference??

give me a number or an example or something pleasee




  1. Research has linked the toxic biproducts from the production of Tofu (IE SOY MILK) to breast cancer, due to its high estrogen levels.

  2. Kirra, if that is true, then why do tofu eating asian countries have so much lower rates of breast cancer than us?

  3. Actually, soy is a phytoestrogen, and one of the main ingredients in some of the progesterone creams that are sold OTC at Whole Foods. You would be surprised to know that it CAN have a significant effect on your hormones !!

    I have a thyroid disorder, and during my second year of being a vegetarian I found out that soy is a goitergen-- a substance that can aggravate hypothyroidism.

    I was told not to consume soy more than three times per week. I have found that it doesn't matter if I have it a bit more than that, as long as it isn't on a longterm, regular basis. If I rely on it as a steady protein source, it starts causing me a lot of problems.

    This was hard for me the first few years of being a vegetarian, and I actually went back to eating meat because I didn't know what to eat for protein!!

    Anyhoo, over the years I have learned to find other sources of veg protein such as lentils, black beans, chickpeas, and so forth... If you are a vegetarian, it is best not to rely on soy ONLY because it DOES have some hormonal effects when taken in large quanities.

    People with endometriosis are also instructed to avoid soy products like the plague, for this very reason (because it raises estrogen, and high estrogen levels contribute to the severity of endometriosis).

  4. Eat a lot of flax seed oil (or just sprinkle flax seeds on your cereal/yogurt/salad or whatever.)  It flushes out excess estrogen.

    If you're trying to go through puberty sooner (I can't really tell by your question, you say "see" a difference) it probably won't have a huge effect.  There's already so many horomones in dairy and different kinds of plastic; and they will have much more of an effect on those types of things.

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