
Love/hate relationship?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i work with this guy and he had a big crush on me and we talked and stuff but then we started fighting about how we felt or something along those lines. so he acted like a jerk and i refused to talk to him and we didn't for four days until he wanted to talk and i don't want to fight and we were ok. I started to realized i wanted to be more then friends and now idk if he does anymore but i don't want to be rejected if i tell him how i feel so what should i do? please any advice?




  1. you should get off your chest and have no expectations on what should happen and how soon you may go through a little with him before you can have a relationship with him its called working your relationship be patient don't loose yourself and remember don't make him your priority if he's only making you his option  good luck i hope this become your greatest love!!

  2. well i think if you just tell him exactly how u feel he'll come around. i mean u cant just stop liking someone in like 4 days, it takes awhile for it to fade if he has a big crush on you like you said. i think if u tell him that you thought about it n how much you really wanna be with him, he'll realize n put all the arguments you guys had aside and finally get to be with you like he wanted from the beginning.  

  3. Haha I really like love/hate relationships. <3

    Those are very passionate ones.

    I think that its good to be able to argue with someone once in a while. Anyway, just continue being friends with him and see if anything happens between you two.  

  4. ...wait four years. =D

  5. Well talk to him. Tell him how you feel

  6. Wait until you are ready.READY for laugh, cry ,hurt, smile., it is a part of growing up. it is not love if there's hate.

  7. I would advise you to calmly approach him & express your true feelings regardless of how he may react.. you may never know.. because later down you dont want be saying "what could've been?"  

  8. Girl tell him how you feel! It'll be worth it if you do :-)

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