
Love letters in kindergarten?

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First of all, I'm not freaking out about this. I'm not rushing to the school or calling parents. It's more that I'm puzzled because I don't remember this happening when my other children were this young.

My 7 year old son (in kindergarten) has been bringing home notes from girls in his school. They're drawn with hearts, flowers and rainbows. One was a picture of two children (presumably my son and the girl who wrote it) hand-in-hand and smiling, with "I love *son's name" in kindergarten handwriting across the top. I find a note in his backpack about every couple of weeks.

When I asked him about it, he told me that a girl at school told him he was cute. So I asked what he said to her and he told me "I run away." Should note, this isn't just one girl who draws him pictures, from what I can tell, there's like 3 or 4 different girls. My son isn't bothered by it at all.

So my question is, when did kindergartners start writing love letters? Anyone else have this happen?




  1. i did not hear about or encounter myself such a thing when my boy was that age. .. actually not even now, and he's in 4th grade. the girls chase him and tease him apparently, but no love letters to speak of.   you know what? i think if i were you i'd maybe just mention it to the teacher. don't say anything directly to the parents, they may take offence. but, i do think the teacher should be made aware of the girls 'advanced behaviour' so to speak. you know what i mean? i wouldn't be concerned, especially because he said he ran away from them (LOL, you gotta love boys!)... i'd just keep my eyes open, just in case the 'content' of the pictures or letters change to something more inappropriate.  thats just me though, good luck, sounds like you've got a little heart breaker on your hands!

  2. lol when i was in kindergarten they were writing things like that.  The "Check Yes or No" kind of letters where you ask the cute boy out at the next desk.  It is no big deal.  It is normal.  My nephew is 6 and has like 8 girlfriends at school lol.

  3. we went through the same thing with my son. It was just one girl in particular and the two of them even started mailing letters back and forth. It was very cute and died down after a year or so. Now they are just friends. The little girls could possibly have older sister and they see them talking about boys and doodling love notes. My son is in 2nd grade now and we are in the phase of being friends with everyone, girls haven't become icky yet. If I were you I would save some of them to show him when he gets older!

  4. yes it is normal. when i was in kindergarden i had a boyfriend and we called each other husband and wife and we kissed. The little ones are copying what they see other people doing.

  5. When I was in preschool Im now in 7th grade. There was this one guy there we used to sit by each other and talk durring like recess and go on the little seesaw together and write each other notes. He did ask me to marry him at the end of preschool I sayed maybe... Now actully it's kind of acward becuse he still goes to my school and I kinda think he remberes that too. Nothing will ever really be like now Im not even friends with him much. LOL this is my stupid love story.

  6. When my son was in kindergarten, he told me that he wanted to MARRY a classmate named Laura when they grew up.    She was adorable and always sweet to him.    He wasn't use to girls being so nice so he was head over heels with her.

  7. First of all congratulations on sending your child to such a good most schools kindergarten children wouldn't even know how to write a note.  However...they have always been quick to express their love to someone they feel they are in love with.  I can recall my niece (now 30) coming home with an engagement ring that a boy in her class had given her (it was a real ring that the little boy took from his moms jewlery box.  Of course the parent was called that evening and the ring returned.  Five years later...the same thing happened to my daughter. So, I would have to say the situation is quite normal.

  8. Haha, ya we used to do the check yes or no thing too. I wouldnt be worried about it.

    Also, dont confront the girls. I remember liking someone in kindergarten and when his mom found notes in his lunch box she assumed it was me and (not so nicely) confronted me about it. I still remember how horrible and awkward that was.

    And I remember girls liking boys at that age (maybe not vice versa). Its cute and fun. I wouldnt worry about it...

  9. My two sons BOTH had the same thing happen to them. Me and their father were worried at first too, but don't worry. It's just puppy love. It's not like they track him down and smuggle him into the corner and kiss him right? If not, it's perfectly innocent.

    And my 7 daughters, 5 of them were the girls that made the notes and 2 of them were getting them from the boys at this age!

    Don't worry! He's fine! It's innocent and harmless!

    Good luck~

  10. im not sure, but your son sounds like a little chick magnet so thats not a bad thing. just keep him in line and all should be fine! Good luck mom! [:

  11. Sounds fairly normal.  My son, who is now 10yrs old, wrote a girl when he was in first grade.  Come to find out the girl was in fifth grade, but he thought she was pretty.  So he wrote her a note, from what he said it just said "Dear (name), you are pretty.  Will you be my girlfriend."  This little girl was so absolutely sweet... she wrote him back and said "Dear (name), You are so sweet.  Thank you so much for your note.  Your friend always, (her name).

    He of coarse was so shy that that was the only notes traded.  I thought the girl was so sweet because she being so much older could have seriously been mean to him, instead she wrote him back, nicely.  I still have the note in his keepsake box.

    I think at that young age, they don't know what boyfriends and girlfriends are.  My youngest who is 7 now says he has five girlfriends, because they are girls who are friends and the cute girls are his best girlfriends.  Now with an adult look at it that sounds bad, but from a 7yr olds look at it, it is logical and innocent.  There isn't any sexual inuendo.  

    I would keep an eye on the content, but you should be fine.  My oldest is starting to like girls but is FAR too shy to write a note or talk to them even.  So, this does change in time.

    Good Luck!!

  12. well he must be a real little cutie just watch what you and your husband do around hum cause they do pick up on things like that but i wouldnt really worry hes still a baby

  13. well i think thats cute they are writing love letters....he probably wont get any more after about 2nd grade crushes change and kids get shyer...i told this boy i liked him when i was in first grade and i have never told a boy i liked them after that until middle school and high school soo.....

  14. Kindergartners have been writing love letters forever. I remember the "do you like me back" letters. And the "will you play on the swings with me" notes drawn with hearts and rainbows. My daughter and the little boy she liked even exchanged gifts, she gave him one of her brothers toy cars and he gave her a pretty braclet that said best friends. It is normal and fun.

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