
Love possibility?

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Do you think it is possible that not everyone has the capability to love or be in love?




  1. I would believe it.

    On a personal note, I do believe there are some people who have blatantly rejected God, going past the skeptic thinker (who would accept God if they revealed themselves), and just saying "I do not care. I will not look. I do not need you. Go away".

    And those people I do think are incapable of love. They are not incapable of being loved, but they cannot love another human being because they have subcounsciously refused to do so.

    I believe those people will just live life after life reincarnating over and over again. Its not a punishment, its what they have chosen for themselves by refusing to entertain even the slightest possibility of a high power. They simply circulate back through life, not being able to acheive their soul's perfection.

  2. In order to find the answer to your question, first of all, you need to accept that love is simply an emotion. Hence, this is not a philosophy question instead it is simply science. We know it is an emotion because, with almost everyone, it's only felt towards those who fulfil the same sort of roles in their lives. People love those who they consider as family and friends; and they fall in love with someone who satisfy a certain criteria (atleast subconsciously). Regardless of any claims by Christians, of loving their (strange) neighbours, I find it hard to believe this. I doubt they 'love' everyone the way they love close family members. The process of falling in love is also selective. For a start, it's generally towards someone they could be attracted to in one situation or another. This shows a biological link.

    ALL RELATIONSHIPS BASED ON LOVE, SERVE A BIOLOGICAL NEED. It's an evolutionary device of survival.

    Considering the number of people alive on this planet, every variation of conditions that you can possibly imagine a person to possess will occur somewhere on this planet. Sometimes a lack of something like a sense, an organ or even the capability to experience a certain emotion. Other times it's something extra (like synaesthesia or excessive facial hair). I happen to be one of those who cannot love (or hate, or have compassion or sympathy or any sentiment resulting from these). If you believe me, you have found your answer.

  3. I think for what I really know that everyone needs to be in love. From young to elderly people, softest to the most stubborn heart and even to those who doesn't seem to know what really love is all about..

  4. Even the hardest heart can be broken by something what you have to remember is that you can not make anybody love you they either do or they don't !

  5. Everyone has the capacity to love and be loved.

    Some people just never meet someone to reach that stage with, but the potential is always there.

  6. every one has the capability to be in love, just not with certain people, if there is someone who has never loved or been in love they have either been hiding it or have simpl not met the right purson yet, there is seven billion people in the world and any two of them could be right for one another

  7. Everyone needs love.

    Some one may have problems with their egotic needs, as well as beeing loved (why not, let's say this is another egotic need !?)

    Thus, cause of their egotic needs, some cannot love.

    LOVE doesn't keep the other one in a leash. This is why THEY are impotent lovers, the ones who imagine they are owners ...

    A human cannot be a "property", but by own will they shall be attached to you. Hurt them, laugh of their given gift to you (as it is a free will) AND you shall HAVE Nothing More - "you have gambled your property". That was Your Capability !?!

    Most of us have a huge capability to LOVE, to understand the other one(s) needs, to relate one to each other,

    but there is Not The LOVE the thing which remained after a relation stoped working.

    Memories are always the nice ones to remain, yes.

    Love the other one giving them their freedom back if this is what they want, as you love your children and want to see them fulfiled humans.

    Letting them free, it doesn't mean that you should hate them, but you neither have to wish them back. Let them totaly FREE from your heart.

    You'll have all of your feelings right in there, they are yours, they aren't anyone else property (!) You are a free man/woman, not a sclave of your own feelings, needs, whatsoever.

    YOU are the one who keeps YOURSELF in A LEASH.

    We become attached by things, by humans ...


    and this creates our own incapabilities.

  8. Everyone needs love in order to stay alive

  9. "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, helps explain.

  10. Yes. I wonder about myself sometimes.

  11. Yes it is possible. There cant be one without the other. There are always going to be people who can love and those who can't.

  12. NO, everyone can love and to be loved ...But the love differ from person to person...
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