
Low Sperm Count...What Happens Next???

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Just got back from the doctors and my husbands sperm count was low. He is sending his to a specialist. We are both wondering what kind of things does the specialist do. Will he run more tests or give him anything to help. if anyone has been through this and knows any advice or help would be great right now. We are both feeling a little upset about this though I am trying to keep him hopes up. I dont want him to think its his fault we are having trouble conceiving.




  1. Don't worry. IT ONLY TAKES ONE. We had a friend who had a very low sperm count. She went on Clomid for 1 month and was pregnant with fraternal twins!. Just remember sometimes the urologist and your gynecologist have a totally different perspective on what is considered "low". Get both opinions. Good luck and keep trying.

  2. The next stop would be an Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE).  They will do all sorts of tests and figure out a plan of action, which I would guess to be IVF/ICSI.  My dh and I have 2 children because of  modern medicine.  His count was under 20 thousand with majority abnormal.  When we went through our egg harvesting cycle I produced 37 mature eggs and he had to go back and leave a second sample to just get 37.  After 5 days, we had 6 embryos and 16 months later (and after some sad bumps in the road) our daughter was born :o)  Also, in our first go around, my dh went through the varicocele removal surgery and that was a huge waste of time. His counts were worse after.  His urologist even told us our only option was to adopt!   2 children later, I can honestly say he was WRONG ;o)

    There is hope!  Going through infertility treatment is something noone wishes for and it isn't always easy...but it is worth EVERYTHING in the end.  Good luck!!!

  3. The specialist will be more knowledgable than your regular doctor. He may run more tests and may give your hubby a medication that can help get his body working correctly.

    Personally, I like to try and go the natural route before resorting to medication. Things like being overweight, eating unhealthy, not exercizing, and taking medications can cause your body to have trouble conceiving. Try to be super health aware and give your body what it needs. Good luck :)

  4. Hi dear. Dont worry at all. the specialist will first try and analyse what the count is. i have a cousin and i know a friend who had a low sperm count. For my cousin, they did artificial insemination. They got a baby in one try. After the first baby, they thought they wont get a baby anyway since he had a low count, and they got a baby without any help!!!!!!!!!!!!! with all the medical help available now, you both need not worry or be upset about it.  All the best.

  5. There are drugs,switching underwear (tight clothing produces heat that kills sperm),and restricting s*x to once or twice a month.Plan a romantic evening 7 days after your period when you are most fertile,Champagne,dinner out,and satin pajama's in a fancy hotel.And see if you can keep him interested in between with little love notes and a little flirting.Stress also inhibits fertility,so relaxx!!!!!!!!!!If nothing works ,you can always adopt.The older you get,the harder it is to conceive.

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